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.NET A full-featured open source distributed job scheduling system that can be used from the smallest application to large enterprise systems.



  • Simplify scheduling jobs
    • Support Job Monitor
    • Support job executor
    • Support for custom job storage components (persistence)
    • Support custom policy execution
    • Built-in cycle, cron job
    • Support for custom job triggers
    • Support dependency injection control (including HTTP control support)
  • High cohesion, low coupling, making the code simpler
  • very small, only 41KB
  • No third party dependence
  • available at Windows/Linux/MacOS Daemon deployment
  • Support distributed, cluster (multi-instance) deployment
  • Support load balancing (based on TCP/IP)
  • High quality code and good unit tests
  • Cross-platform, support .NET5+

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Embed Kanban functionality

After Sundial v2.6.0+ version, the built-in resource Dashboard Kanban can view the current job running information in real time.

1. Install the Sundial.Dashboard extension package

dotnet add package Sundial.Dashboard

2. Register Dashboard UI service


// 还可以配置生产环境关闭
app.UseScheduleUI(options =>
    options.DisableOnProduction = true;

3. Open the browser and access the /schedule address

update this issue

  • add timed task Dashboard Kanban 4.8.4 ⏱️2022.12.30 d3f9669
  • Add a scheduled task Dashboard View job trigger recent run record function ⏱️2023.01.03 e7d24d8
  • Added timing task job trigger trigger.GetTimelines() get recent 10 run record list ⏱️2023.01.03 e7d24d8
  • Add a scheduled task IScheduler.GetEnumerable() method that converts a job plan into an enumerable dictionary 4.8.4 ⏱️2022.12.30 4d5235c

#NET #Distributed #Timing #Task #Sundial #Launches #Dashboard #Kanban #v260 #Released #News Fast Delivery

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