major update

  • [重大更新] Use the spring event publishing mechanism to reconstruct the login log and operation log to support multi-event monitoring without intrusion extension

  • For example: You can add a listener to upload logs to storage such as ES, which has no effect on the original logic

Dependency Upgrade

  • update springboot 2.7.6 => 2.7.7

  • update springboot-admin 2.7.7 => 2.7.10

  • update mybatis-plus 3.5.2 =>

  • update redisson 3.18.0 => 3.19.1

  • update sa-token 1.33.0 => 1.34.0

  • update easyexcel 3.1.3 => 3.1.5

  • update springdoc 1.6.13 => 1.6.14

  • update snakeyaml 1.32 => 1.33

  • update hutool 5.8.10 => 5.8.11

  • update aws-s3 1.12.349 => 1.12.373

  • update aliyun-sms 2.0.22 => 2.0.23

  • update tencent-sms 3.1.635 => 3.1.660

  • update echarts 4.9.0 => 5.4.0

  • update vue3 element-plus 2.2.21 => 2.2.27

feature update

  • update Optimize BaseMapperPlus Use MP V3.5.3 new tool class Db to simplify batch operation implementation

  • update optimizes the environment configuration above the pom file for easy viewing and use

  • update optimizes code generation to use the same primary key generator as the framework body to avoid problems globally

  • update Optimize system login Use single table query to verify users to avoid multiple join queries

  • update optimizes and deletes useless parameters of vue3 templates

  • update optimize xss wrapper variable naming error

  • update optimizes and refactors ExcelUtil’s full export method to support OutputStream stream export is not limited to response

  • update optimizes the maven address and switches back to the aliyun warehouse

  • update optimizes and removes useless guava dependency management project no longer has this dependency

  • update Optimize the springdoc configuration authentication header hard-coded problem Add persistent authentication header configuration

  • update optimizes the captcha results to be automatically calculated using the spel engine

  • update Optimize the problem of too much pop-up content and incomplete display

  • update optimize delete fuse invalid option maxPatternLength

  • update optimize minio installation warning use new version parameters

  • update optimizes using the spring event mechanism to refactor OssConfig cache updates

  • update Optimize the extraction of SysLoginService recordLogininfor record login information method to simplify logging

  • update optimizes the use of spring event release mechanism to reconstruct login log and operation log

  • update optimizes cell merging to determine whether cellValue is equal or not

  • update optimizes and removes useless inheritance of RedisConfig

new features

bug fix

  • fix Fix the problem of reporting null according to the key update parameter configuration

  • fix The tree dropdown cannot be selected by default

  • fix Fix the problem of reading generator.yml Chinese garbled characters

  • fix Fixed the problem that the required fields cannot be verified when the code generates pictures/files/single selection

  • fix The expired cache configuration is not removed when modifying the parameter key name

  • fix Fix user registration user type field writing error

  • fix Fixed the problem that files with special characters (+, -, *…) could not be downloaded

  • fix Fix SMS verification template parameter passing error

  • fix Fix the problem that the parameters defined by the vue3 closeSidebar method are not deconstructed

The 4.X version and the fast version will stop maintenance together with SpringBoot 2.X (probably around December 2023)

  • springboot upgrade to 3.0

  • javax is replaced by jakarta

  • Change the project structure (refer to Cloud version plug-in)

  • springdoc upgrade to 2.X

  • hutool upgrade to 6.X

  • mybatis-plus upgrade to 4.X

  • The docker base image is upgraded to java 17

  • Adapt to the new syntax of java 17

  • Use the maven plugin to unify the framework version number

  • The table structure creator and modifier fields are stored using ID

  • The table structure is added to create a department field

  • Increase the automatic echo of the creator and modifier ID (can be cached)

  • Simple multi-tenancy function (to lay the foundation for users to expand by themselves)

  • ~~ to be added

Platform introduction

RuoYi-Vue-Plus is a rewrite of RuoYi-Vue for 分布式集群 All-round upgrade of the scene (not compatible with the original framework)

The project code and documents are open source, free and commercially available. Follow the open source agreement and keep the open source agreement file in the project.
Live and write until old Open source for interest Open source for learning Open source for everyone to really learn technology

Featuresuse technologyFeature Notes
current frameRuoYi-Vue-PlusRewrite RuoYi-Vue all-round upgrade (not compatible with the original framework)
microservice branchRuoYi-Cloud-PlusRewrite RuoYi-Cloud all-round upgrade (not compatible with the original framework)
single branchRuoYi-Vue-Plus-fastMonolithic Application Structure
Vue3 branchRuoYi-Vue-Plus-UISince the components are not yet perfect, it is only for learning
original frameRuoYi-VueRequired features for regular sync
Front-end development frameworkVue, Element UI
Backend Development FrameworkSpring Boot
container frameworkUndertowXNIO-based high-performance container
Authority Authentication FrameworkSa-Token, JwtStrong decoupling and strong expansion
relational databaseMySQLAdapt to 8.X minimum 5.7
relational databaseOracleCompatible with 11g 12c
relational databasePostgreSQLAdaptation 13 14
relational databaseSQL ServerAdaptation 2017 2019
cache databaseredisAdapt to 6.X minimum 4.X
database frameworkMybatis-PlusFast CRUD increases development efficiency
database frameworkp6spyStronger SQL Analysis
Multiple Data Source Frameworkdynamic-datasourceSupport master-slave and multi-type database heterogeneity
serialization frameworkJacksonUnified use of jackson is efficient and reliable
Redis clientRedissonSupport stand-alone and cluster configuration
Distributed current limitingRedissonGlobal, request IP, cluster ID multiple current limiting
distributed queueRedissonOrdinary queue, delay queue, priority queue, etc.
distributed lockLock4jThere are many kinds of note locks and tool locks
distributed idempotenceRedissonIntercept duplicate submissions
Distributed Link TrackingApache SkyWalkingLink tracing, grid analysis, metric aggregation, visualization
Distributed Task SchedulingXxl-JobHigh performance, high reliability and easy expansion
file storageMiniolocal storage
file storageQiniu, Ali, Tencentcloud storage
SMS moduleAli, Tencentsend a text message
monitoring frameworkSpring Boot-AdminFull Service Monitoring
Validation frameworkValidationEnhance interface security and rigor to support internationalization
Excel frameAlibaba EasyExcelExcellent performance and strong scalability
document frameSpringDoc, javadocNo annotations, zero intrusion, based on java annotations
Tool FrameworkHutool, LombokReduce code redundancy and increase security
Code generatorAdapt to MP, SpringDoc standardization codeOne-click generation of front-end and back-end codes
Deployment methodDockerOne-click deployment of business clusters by container orchestration
globalizationSpringMessageSpring Standard Internationalization Solution

reference documents

Please read the key points of the document carefully before using the framework

Initialization project must see

Must-see columns and videos for getting started

Deployment project must see

Reference Documentation Wiki

Business functions

User ManagementThe user is the system operator, and this function mainly completes the system user configuration.
department managementConfigure the system organization (company, department, group), and the tree structure display supports data permissions.
Post managementConfigure the position that the system user belongs to.
menu managementConfigure the system menu, operation authority, button authority identification, etc.
role managementRole menu permission assignment and setting roles are divided into data scope permissions according to the organization.
dictionary managementMaintain some relatively fixed data that are often used in the system.
Parameter managementDynamically configure common parameters for the system.
announcementSystem notification announcement information release and maintenance.
operation logSystem normal operation log record and query; system abnormal information log record and query.
login logA system login logging query contains a login exception.
file managementSystem file upload, download and other management.
timed taskOnline (add, modify, delete) task scheduling includes execution result logs.
code generationThe generation of front-end and back-end codes (java, html, xml, sql) supports CRUD download.
system interfaceAutomatically generate relevant API interface documents based on business codes.
service monitoringMonitor cluster system CPU, memory, disk, stack, online log, Spring related configuration, etc.
cache monitoringQuery system cache information, command statistics, etc.
online builderDrag form elements to generate corresponding HTML code.
Connection pool monitoringMonitor the current system database connection pool status, and analyze SQL to find out system performance bottlenecks.
Use CasesSome functional examples of the system

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