Ember.js v4.10.0 is now released. Ember.js is a JavaScript framework that drastically reduces the time, effort, and resources required to build any web application. It strives to make developers as productive as possible by performing all the common, repetitive yet essential tasks involved in most web development projects.

The specific updates are as follows:

  • #20270 / #20271 [FEATURE] Add new getOwner and setOwner imports from @ember/owner and introduce new @ember/routing submodule as part of RFC #821
  • #20341 [弃用] Deprecated htmlSafe and isHTMLSafe imported from @ember/string, they have been moved to @ember/template
  • #20344 [弃用] Deprecate @ember/string when used from ember-source; direct users to add per RFC #236 @ember/string plug-in
  • #20342 [弃用] Deprecated @ember/error per RFC #889
  • #20327 [BUGFIX] Fix type of NativeArray’s mutating method
  • #20283 [BUGFIX] Revert TS compilerOptions.target to ES2017
  • #20253 Type: Will Resolver Type added to preview type
  • #20319 Type: use Owner.lookup Analysis service

Update announcement: https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/releases/tag/v4.10.0

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