Joomla 4.2.6 is now available. This is a bugfix release for the 4.x series of Joomla.

This release continues Joomla 4’s high standards in accessible web design and brings exciting new features that highlight Joomla’s values ​​of inclusivity, simplicity, and security into an even stronger open source web platform.

Joomla 4.2.6 comes with new and improved features for bloggers and authors, web designers, extension developers and web agencies.

4.2.6 Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix upgrade fatal error for repeatable fields
  • What was fixed – email masquerading removes CSS from links
  • Fix logout redirect error on multilingual sites >
  • Verify that aliases are unique before bulk moving
  • Add PHP 8.2 to PHP version check plugin
  • Fix: Subform fields not showing in user profile

Visit the website for a full list of bug fixes.

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