APITable is an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative applications, an open-source alternative to Airtable.APITable is under development and is expected to be The first edition will be published in late January 2023.


APITable offers an amazing array of features, from personal to business.

  • Advanced technology stack

    • 实时合作 Allow multiple users in real time or with 操作转换(OT) Algorithms are edited at the same time.
    • exist 中极其顺畅、方便用户、超快的数据库电子表格接口<canvas> 渲染引擎
    • Database local schema: changesets/operations/actions/snapshots etc.
    • 100k+ Data row and real-time cooperation.
    • Full-stack access API, from 数据 arrive 元数据.
    • One-way/two-way table links and 无限交叉链接
    • A community-friendly programming language and framework, TypeScript (Next JS + NestJS) and Java (spring boot)

  • Beautiful and complete multi-dimensional table UI interface

    • CRUD: create, read, update, delete tables, columns and rows
    • 字段操作: Sort, filter, group, hide/unhide, set height.
    • 基于Spaces: Use separate workspaces instead of an App/Base-based structure, enabling unlimited form linking.
    • 可用的暗色模式 and theme customization.
    • 7 种视图类型: Grid View (Dataseet) / Gallery View / Mindmap View / Kanban View / Full-featured Grid View / Calendar View
    • Click on the API panel

  • fully equipped

    • Built-in 10+ official templates.
    • Robot automation and customization available.
    • BI dashboard
    • Click on the auto-generated form
    • Shareable and embeddable pages.
    • multilingual support
    • With n8n.io / Zapier / Appsmith… and more.

  • Excellent scalability

    • Scalable 部件系统 There are more than 20 official open source components.
    • Custom Charts & Diagrams & Dashboards
    • Customizable data column type
    • Customizable formula:
    • Automated robot actions can be customized.

  • Enterprise level permissions

    • 镜像turns the view into a mirror for row permissions.
    • Activate with very simple operation 列权限.
    • Folder/Subfolder/File Permissions
    • Tree structure folders and customizable nodes (files);
    • Team Management & Organizational Structure

  • Enterprise application functions

    • SAML
    • Single Sign-On (SSO)
    • audit
    • Automatic database backup
    • data exporter
    • water mark

  • ….

With extensible widgets and plugins, you can add even more functionality.

Application Scenario

  • as a super management software

    • Flexible Project Management & Task/Issue Management
    • Marketing lead management.
    • The most flexible and connectable CRM.
    • Flexible BI charting system
    • Facilitating People’s Forms and Surveys
    • Flexible enterprise resource planning system.
    • Low-code and no-code platforms.
    • …and more, APITable puts 1000s of software in your pocket.

  • as a visual database infrastructure

    • embed application to your own software interface.
    • Visual database with REST API.
    • Admin Dashboard
    • Central configuration management.
    • connect all your All enterprise databases for a software.
    • …and more, APITable connects to everything.

  • Also, it is open source and extensible

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