About this plugin
vue-plugin-hiprint (based on hiprint 2.5.4) was just for the convenience of me (not the original author of hiprint) to introduce and use it in the vue project, so it was named after it.
This plugin is just a JavaScript[tool library]rather than a Vue[component library]so it does not include those component pages seen in the demo by default (the demo code can be copied and modified for use).
Since the hiprint official website was last updated in 2019[hiprint 2.5.4 is an LGPL agreement]many optimizations and adjustments have been made after many users and feedback. Details (thank you for your support and participation)
hiprint for Vue2.x / Vue3.x (based on jQuery, theoretically should also support other frameworks)
Since 0.0.36, the introduction of CDN form has been supported. For details, please refer to the 0.0.36 update record uniapp. This method is feasible.
Quick Links
Hiprint official documentation: http://hiprint.io/docs/start
Demo preview: https://ccsimple.gitee.io/vue-plugin-hiprint/
Update record: npm package version and update record
Print client: https://gitee.com/CcSimple/electron-hiprint
installation and use
npm install vue-plugin-hiprint
<!--【必须】在index.html 文件中添加打印所需样式(此cdn可能不稳定):-->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-plugin-hiprint@latest/dist/print-lock.css">
<!-- 可以调整成 相对链接/自有链接, 【重要】名称需要一致 【print-lock.css】-->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="https://gitee.com/print-lock.css">
project screenshot
Plugin global import
// main.js中 引入安装
import {hiPrintPlugin} from 'vue-plugin-hiprint'
Vue.use(hiPrintPlugin, '$pluginName')
hiPrintPlugin.disAutoConnect(); // 取消自动连接直接打印客户端
// 然后使用
// 下列代码为示例,不要再 main.js中 使用
// 引入后使用示例
// 下列方法都是没有拖拽设计页面的, 相当于代码模式, 使用代码设计页面
// 想要实现拖拽设计页面,请往下看 '自定义设计'
var hiprintTemplate = new this.$pluginName.PrintTemplate();
var panel = hiprintTemplate.addPrintPanel({ width: 100, height: 130, paperFooter: 340, paperHeader: 10 });
panel.addPrintText({ options: { width: 140, height: 15, top: 20, left: 20, title: 'hiprint插件手动添加text', textAlign: 'center' } });
panel.addPrintText({ options: { width: 140, height: 35, top: 40, left: 20, title: '123456', textType: 'barcode' } });
panel.addPrintText({ options: { width: 35, height: 35, top: 40, left: 165, title: '123456', textType: 'qrcode' } });
panel.addPrintLongText({ options: { width: 180, height: 35, top: 90, left: 20, title: '长文本:hiprint是一个很好的webjs打印,浏览器在的地方他都可以运行' } });
panel.addPrintTable({ options: { width: 252, height: 35, top: 130, left: 20, content: $('#testTable').html() } });
panel.addPrintHtml({ options: { width: 140, height: 35, top: 180, left: 20, content:'' } });
panel.addPrintVline({ options: { height: 35, top: 230, left: 20 } });
//横线 //不设置高度
panel.addPrintHline({ options: { width: 140, top: 245, left: 120 } });
panel.addPrintRect({ options: { width: 35, height: 35, top: 230, left: 60 } });
Introduced in the component
import {autoConnect, disAutoConnect, hiprint, defaultElementTypeProvider} from 'vue-plugin-hiprint'
// autoConnect(); // 默认 自动连接直接打印客户端
disAutoConnect(); // 取消自动连接直接打印客户端
// 引入后使用示例
// 下列方法都是没有拖拽设计页面的, 相当于代码模式, 使用代码设计页面
// 想要实现拖拽设计页面,请往下看 '自定义设计'
var hiprintTemplate = new hiprint.PrintTemplate();
var panel = hiprintTemplate.addPrintPanel({ width: 100, height: 130, paperFooter: 340, paperHeader: 10 });
panel.addPrintText({ options: { width: 140, height: 15, top: 20, left: 20, title: 'hiprint插件手动添加text', textAlign: 'center' } });
panel.addPrintText({ options: { width: 140, height: 35, top: 40, left: 20, title: '123456', textType: 'barcode' } });
panel.addPrintText({ options: { width: 35, height: 35, top: 40, left: 165, title: '123456', textType: 'qrcode' } });
panel.addPrintLongText({ options: { width: 180, height: 35, top: 90, left: 20, title: '长文本:hiprint是一个很好的webjs打印,浏览器在的地方他都可以运行' } });
Custom design (see demo directory for details)
import {hiprint,defaultElementTypeProvider} from 'vue-plugin-hiprint'
// 初始化可拖拽的元素
providers: [new defaultElementTypeProvider()]
// $('.ep-draggable-item') 包含 tid, 与上边的 provider 中的 tid 对应 才能正常拖拽生成元素
hiprintTemplate = new hiprint.PrintTemplate({
template: {}, // 模板json
settingContainer: '#PrintElementOptionSetting', // 元素参数容器
paginationContainer: '.hiprint-printPagination', // 多面板的容器, 实现多面板, 需要在添加一个 <div class="hiprint-printPagination"/>
// ------- 下列是可选功能 -------
// ------- 下列是可选功能 -------
// ------- 下列是可选功能 -------
// 图片选择功能
onImageChooseClick: (target) => {
// 测试 3秒后修改图片地址值
setTimeout(() => {
// target.refresh(url,options,callback)
// callback(el, width, height) // 原元素,宽,高
// target.refresh(url,false,(el,width,height)=>{
// el.options.width = width;
// el.designTarget.css('width', width + "pt");
// el.designTarget.children('.resize-panel').trigger($.Event('click'));
// })
// auto: true, // 根据图片宽高自动等比(宽>高?width:height)
// width: true, // 按宽调整高
// height: true, // 按高调整宽
real: true // 根据图片实际尺寸调整(转pt)
}, 3000)
// target.getValue()
// target.refresh(url)
// 自定义可选字体
// 或者使用 hiprintTemplate.setFontList([])
// 或元素中 options.fontList: []
fontList: [
{title: '微软雅黑', value: 'Microsoft YaHei'},
{title: '黑体', value: 'STHeitiSC-Light'},
{title: '思源黑体', value: 'SourceHanSansCN-Normal'},
{title: '王羲之书法体', value: '王羲之书法体'},
{title: '宋体', value: 'SimSun'},
{title: '华为楷体', value: 'STKaiti'},
{title: 'cursive', value: 'cursive'},
dataMode: 1, // 1:getJson 其他:getJsonTid 默认1
history: true, // 是否需要 撤销重做功能
onDataChanged: (type, json) => { // 模板发生改变回调
console.log(type); // 新增、移动、删除、修改(参数调整)、大小、旋转
console.log(json); // 返回 template
onUpdateError: (e) => { // 更新失败回调
// 设计器的容器
Supporting direct printing client (win/mac/linux)
If you use the npm package or this project, please use the following direct printing client
If you use the npm package or this project, please use the following direct printing client
If you use the npm package or this project, please use the following direct printing client
This project requires the direct printing client of the above style; the download address is shown in the table below:
common problem
How to modify the default picture when designing?
<!-- 组件内, 显示的图片-->
<style lang="less" scoped>
/deep/ .hiprint-printElement-image-content {
img {
content: url("~@/assets/logo.png");
<!-- App.vue 拖拽时显示的图片-->
<!-- 不要 scoped, 拖拽时是添加到 html body内的-->
<style lang="less">
.hiprint-printElement-image-content {
img {
content: url("~@/assets/logo.png");
print/print2 print callback
// 浏览器预览打印
hiprintTemplate.print(this.printData, {}, {
callback: () => {
// 直接打印
hiprintTemplate.print2(printData, {printer: '打印机名称', title: '打印标题'})
hiprintTemplate.on('printSuccess', function (data) {
hiprintTemplate.on('printError', function (data) {
Print overlap/style issues
* 从 0.0.19 起, 在index.html添加:
* <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-plugin-hiprint@latest/dist/print-lock.css">
* 以处理打印所需css, 当然你也可以自行处理
* 比如: index.html目录下放一个print-lock.css, 然后在index.html添加:
* <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="https://gitee.com/print-lock.css">
// 添加自定义样式
hiprintTemplate.print(this.printData, {}, {
styleHandler: () => {
// 这里拼接成放html->head标签内的css/style
// 1.例如:使用hiprin官网的样式
let css = '<link href="http://hiprint.io/Content/hiprint/css/print-lock.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet">'
// 2.重写样式:所有文本红色
css += '<style>.hiprint-printElement-text{color:red !important;}</style>'
return css
// 直接打印
hiprintTemplate.print2(this.printData, {
styleHandler: () => {
// 这里拼接成放html->head标签内的css/style
// 1.例如:使用hiprin官网的样式
let css = '<link href="http://hiprint.io/Content/hiprint/css/print-lock.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet">'
// 2.重写样式:所有文本红色
css += '<style>.hiprint-printElement-text{color:red !important;}</style>'
return css
Modify default configuration/show/hide element setting parameters
// 0.0.13, 新增setConfig方法
// 还原配置
// 替换配置
movingDistance: 2.5,
supportOptions: [
name: 'styler',
hidden: true
name: 'formatter',
hidden: true
Cancel automatic socket connection / socket connection error problem
* 取消自动连接
// 在main.js中设置
import {hiPrintPlugin} from 'vue-plugin-hiprint'
Vue.use(hiPrintPlugin,'$hiprint', false);
// hiPrintPlugin 同时提供了 disAutoConnect 方法
// 在组件中使用 见: demo/design/index.vue
import {disAutoConnect, autoConnect, hiprint} from 'vue-plugin-hiprint'
// 同时 export了 autoConnect,disAutoConnect 方法
* 连接回调及打印
autoConnect((status,msg) => {
if (status) {
hiprintTemplate.print2(printData, {printer: '', title: 'hiprint测试打印'});
* socket连接报错?
* 由于npm包更新到socket.io 3.x版本,官网提供的客户端,npm包是无法连接的
* 请使用gitee提供的客户端, 同时gitee客户端可传更多的参数, 如是否打印颜色/打印份数/DPI等
* 详情electron见:https://www.electronjs.org/zh/docs/latest/api/web-contents
Participate in the project
git clone https://gitee.com/CcSimple/vue-plugin-hiprint.git
// init
cd vue-plugin-hiprint
npm i
// 调试预览
npm run serve
// 打包
npm run build
demo debugging (display print iframe)
// 快速显示/隐藏 打印iframe 方便调试  ̄□ ̄||
// 在浏览器控制台输入:
// 显示打印页面
$('#hiwprint_iframe').css('height','251.09mm'); // 这里替换个实际高度才能显示完
// 显示vue页面
Exchange group
![]() | ![]() |
The number of people in the group has exceeded 200, please ‘add me as a friend’ to add the note to the group, and invite you to join the group
Support the project, or invite the author to have a cup of coffee☕️
![]() | ![]() |
As of 2022-06-15, npm package version 0.0.23 has adjusted and optimized the following functions, please check the update record for subsequent versions
vue 插件
Publish npm package for direct use -
Ant Design Vue demo
Default drag and drop design, custom design, queue printing -
Support backSpace/delete button to delete -
Adjustment and optimization do not allow elements to be dragged out of the window and hold down ctrl/command to allow dragging out of the window -
Fix the problem that the box can only be selected from top to bottom -
window.hiwebSocket.setHost(“xxx:17521”) -
Support setting callback, see demo’s preview.vue -
Support setting options.fields Double-click to select a field, -
Supports setting isEnableInsertColumn/isEnableDeleteColumn and other parameters, and supports inserting/deleting columns -
Support setting options.tableHeaderRepeat/tableFooterRepeat table header/footer display mode -
Support setting not to display header -
fix wrong barcode format (EAN-13, ITF, UPC, etc.) -
The element’s field name (field) supports nesting (eg: abcd) -
Non-paged table and longText processing can be set -
Support for ctrl+c/v (copy/paste) for basic elements -
Support for not auto-connecting ‘direct printing’ clients -
Support setting table columns to display pictures, QR codes, and barcodes -
Fix dragging, jumping, auxiliary line related issues after setting the rotation angle -
When main.js is introduced, the Vue prototype adds print and print2Api to facilitate direct printing -
Hold down ctrl/command multiple selection elements keyboard/mouse drag to move -
Fix dragging, jumping, auxiliary line related issues after setting the rotation angle -
Added rotation control points on the basic elements, drag to rotate, double-click to restore -
Use svg to replace the original picture ruler to make the ruler clearer -
Provide a new zoom method (transform: scale) in the template, zoom in and out and drag without jumping -
Adjust qrcode.js fix vite project error problem -
the panels[n]printElements[m]options.draggable true, false -
hiprintTemplate.setElsAlign -
Form field configuration options.columns[n]tableSummary -
Support ctrl/command+(shift)+z to undo and redo, and provide undo and redo methods of hiprintTemplate -
Added coordinate position parameters in the parameter panel, supports synchronous setting of XY coordinates, and provides coordinateSync to set the default synchronization or not -
Added width and height parameters in the parameter panel, which supports synchronous setting of width and height, and provides widthHeightSync to set the default synchronization or not -
Display the XY coordinate position when dragging, and support two display defaults, set positionLineMode, and coordinates are displayed on the auxiliary line -
Display the width and height when clicking on the element, support restyle (.resize-panel .size-box) -
Set the interval (vertical/horizontal) of each element after selecting multiple elements hiprintTemplate.setElsSpace(10,true) -
Support dynamic display/hide header columns, all set columns are also returned when getJson -
Get the drag element by tid/update the drag element hiprint.updateElementType(tid,(e)=>e) -
Set element showInPage: ‘none’ to not print when printing -
Get the latest printer list through hiprint.refreshPrinterList when connected to the client -
Get the MAC address through hiprint.getAddress(‘mac’,(data)=>{}) when connecting to the client -
Set element zIndex: 10 to adjust element level -
Set element options.fields: [{“text”:’id’,”field”:’id’]; getJson will return this list -
Specify onImageChooseClick when new PrintTemplate: (target) => {target.refresh(‘url’)} to update the image address -
object-fix: fill|contain|cover|none -
The right and bottom control points become the bottom right control point (proportional scaling) -
When the lower right control point is dragged, it will scale proportionally, and it can be scaled freely when holding shift -
When selecting quickly from right to left from the right parameter bar, the size of the marquee box when the mouse moves into the design
setElsAlign parameter description | illustrate |
left | align left |
vertical | in the center |
right | right align |
top | align top |
horizontal | Center vertically |
bottom | Bottom alignment |
distributeHor | Horizontal dispersion |
distributeVer | vertical dispersion |
tableSummary parameter description | illustrate |
– (default or no match) | not aggregated |
count | count |
sum | total |
avg | average value |
min | minimum value |
max | maximum value |
example of using setElsSpace | illustrate |
.setElsSpace(10) | Vertical distance 10(pt) |
.setElsSpace(10,true) | Horizontal distance 10(pt) |
cough cough..
This is the first time to write a plugin (I don’t know much about webpack packaging). Please correct the issues if it is unreasonable.Simply modifiedhiprint.bundle.js
The relevant resources are introduced, and thenexport hiprint,defaultElementTypeProvider
See source code vue-plugin-hiprint for details
This project uses to develop
branch description
main: vue2.x + ant1.7.x fusion version and npm package source code
npm_demo: vue2.x + ant1.7.x + npm package usage example
npm_demo_ele: vue2.x + ElementUi 2.x + npm package usage example
npm_demo_v3: vue3.x + vite + npm package (0.0.18) usage example
About how to fuse
For your own integration, please check vue.config.js vs. hiprint.bundle.js
webpack.config.js, which needs to be processed by npm packaging
Open Source Instructions
The npm package is adjusted and optimized based on version 2.5.4 of hiprint official website;
I have limited understanding of open source agreements, if there is any unreasonable infringement, please contact me;
The hiprint open source agreement is as follows:
* jQuery Hiprint 2.5.4
* Copyright (c) 2016-2021 www.hinnn.com. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the LGPL or commercial licenses
* To use it on other terms please contact us: hinnn.com@gmail.com
About the LGPL agreement
#vuepluginhiprint #hiprint #Vue2Vue3 #Print #print #design #visual #designer #report #design #element #editing #visual #print #editing