Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.

Deno 1.32 is officially released, and noteworthy updates include:

Enhance Node.js compatibility

Deno continues to make significant strides in improving compatibility with Node.js, providing a smoother overall developer experience. Major improvements in this release include:

  • Controlled auto-discovery: When set to -no-config and -no-npm flag, auto-discovery of package.json is disabled, giving greater control over the process.
  • new environment variable: a new DENO_NO_PACKAGE_JSON Environment variables allow you to completely prevent Deno from parsing package.json files in the environment.
  • Expanded support for encryption: Added support for node:crypto middle createCipheriv and createDecipheriv API support, expanding the range of cryptographic functions available.
  • Bugs surfaced: Dependency resolution errors in package.json now appear in a lazy surfaced in a manner that minimizes distractions.

deno compile supports Web Worker and dynamic import

This version is deno compile brings two updates that users have been hoping to include.can now be used in deno compileSubcommands create binaries using dynamic imports and Web Worker APIs.This makes multi-threaded programs easier to use deno compileConstruct.

deno run run file without extension

can now pass --ext flag to run the file without the extension.

$ cat my_script
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --ext=js

$ ./my_script

Deno API changes

  • Now defined on Windows.This is an additional change because The type of the field is from number | null changed to number.
  • Added two new unstable APIs: Deno.DatagramConn.joinMulticastV4 and Deno.DatagramConn.joinMulticastV6

Web API changes

  • support now URLSearchParams.size()
  • remove unstable WebGPU APIs.Support for WebGPU introduces a cost that makes all users’ deno The binary becomes larger and slower to start, even if the user is not using it.

TypeScript 5.0

  • Deno v1.32 ships with the latest stable version of TypeScript.

    Note that ES decorators are not supported yet, but they will be enabled by default in a future release.

  • Performance improvements: In addition to the other performance benefits brought by TypeScript 5.0, Deno’s initial type checking became very fast when not type checking remote modules. This improvement made a particularly big difference in reducing type checking time on CI in most cases. The exact time savings depend on the number of remote modules that are depended on, but we’ve observed over 2x speedup for type checking.

V8 11.2

This version is upgraded to the latest version of V8 (11.2, before 11.0)

For more details, please check:

#Deno #Released #Enhanced #Nodejs #Compatibility #News Fast Delivery

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