FastKafka is a powerful and easy-to-use Python library for building asynchronous web services that interact with Kafka topics. Built on top of Pydantic, AIOKafka and AsyncAPI, FastKafka simplifies the process of writing producers and consumers for Kafka topics, automatically handling all parsing, networking, task scheduling and data generation.

With FastKafka, you can quickly prototype and develop high-performance Kafka-based services with minimal code, making it ideal for developers looking to simplify workflows and accelerate projects.

FastKafka is available for macOS, Linux, and most Unix-flavored operating systems.can be used as usualpipInstall the basic version offastkafka:

To install fastkafka with test functionality use:

pip install fastkafka[test]

To install with asyncapi docsof fastkafka, you can use:

pip install fastkafka[docs]

To install fastkafka with all features, use:

pip install fastkafka[test,docs]

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