
UEditor is an open source WYSIWYG rich text editor developed by Baidu. Based on the MIT open source protocol, this rich text editor helps many website developers solve the difficulties of rich text editors.

UEditorPlus is a rich text editor based on the secondary development of UEditor by the ModStart team. It mainly customizes the style, which is more in line with the aesthetics of modern browsers.

During the development process, some bugs in use have been solved, and more partners are expected to join the maintenance in the first phase.

version introduction

UEditorPlus v3.0.0 has been released.

  • Added: Markdown title shortcut mode (enter multiple #+spaces to automatically format as title)

  • Added: When the end of the content is a non-character, it is more difficult to insert characters at the end

  • Added: beforesubmit event, convenient for data processing before submission

  • Added: Add animation effect when browsing height and width change automatically

  • Added: Added public header parameters to the backend interface #gitee-I6KK5D

  • New: add message plug-in by default, support message prompt

  • Optimization: font setting and font selection, support to restore the default font and abnormal display when the font does not exist #gitee-I6JHV4

  • Optimization: Rich text editor UEditor style cache problem

  • Optimization: Optimize the data recovery logic of the draft function to avoid the problem of overwriting the saved value with the initial content

  • Optimization: Complete the sample configuration items of VUE usage documents to avoid problems caused by cross-domain CROS

  • Repair: The source code is added twice by default, and the generated all.js image and other operations are added once more by default #gitee-I6L6LU

About Bug Feedback and Maintenance

  • We all know that UEditor is used by a large number of people, and N bugs have been accumulated so far. Open source is not easy and needs everyone to maintain it together

  • For the problems encountered in actual use, if you need to solve them urgently, it is recommended to use the bounty Issue, so that more capable developers have the motivation to jointly maintain

online demo

online documentation

open source address

#UEditorPlus #v300 #interface #request #header #parameters #line #break #insertion #optimization #optimization #issues #News Fast Delivery

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