engshell is an English shell for any operating system, powered by LLM.

how to use

  • Installation dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create in the engshell directory keys.py definition OPENAI_KEY
  • run python engshell.py open engshell
  • Optional: Add the engshell directory to your PATH environment variable to access it from anywhere.


  • --llm LLM queries are encouraged from code execution.
  • --debug Allows engshell to debug its own code when it fails.
  • --showcode Show the code being executed.
  • clear Reset engshell’s memory and console.


Note that English is required for interaction, and Chinese is only for understanding:

  • record my screen for the next 10 seconds, then save it as an mp4.
    Record my screen for the next 10 seconds and save it as mp4.
  • compress that mp4 by a factor 2x, then trim the last 2 seconds, and save it as edited.mp4.
    Compress the mp4 by a factor of 2, then trim the last 2 seconds, and save it as edited.mp4.
  • check the weather, then ask gpt3 what i should wear today
    Check the weather and ask gpt3 what should I wear today
  • print files in current directory in a table by type
    Print the files in the current directory in a table by type
  • Use DALL-E to generate a picture of a cat wearing a suit, then open my web browser to the picture
    Use DALL-E to generate a picture of a cat in a suit, then open my web browser to the picture
  • save text files for the first 10 fibonacci numbers
    Save the first 10 Fibonacci numbers in a text file
  • print headlines from CBC CBC’s headlines
  • print a cake recipe, then open up amazon to where i can buy these ingredients. open each ingredient in a new tab
    Printed out a cake recipe and then opened up Amazon to where I could get the ingredients.Open each ingredient in a new tab
  • make my wallpaper a picture of a castle (requires UNSPLASH_API_KEY to be set)
    Set my wallpaper as a castle image (requires UNSPLASH_API_KEY to be set)

Complexity test:

  • get info about france economy from wikipedia, then make a word doc about it –llm
    Get information about the French economy from Wikipedia, then make a document about it –llm
  • solve d^2y/dx^2 = sin(2x) + x with sympy –debug
    Use sympy –debug to solve d^2y/dx^2 = sin(2x) + x
  • find the second derivative of C1 + C2x + x**3/6 – sin(2x)/4 with respect to x –debug
    Find the second derivative of C1 + C2x + x**3/6 – sin(2x)/4 with respect to x –debug
  • make a powerpoint presentation about Eddington Luminosity based on the wikipedia sections –debug -llm
    Make a powerpoint presentation about Eddington Luminosity based on Wikipedia section –debug -llm
  • download and save a $VIX dataset and a $SPY dataset
    Download and save a $VIX dataset and a $SPY dataset
  • merge the two, labeling the columns accordingly, then save it
    Merge the two, label the columns accordingly, and save

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