Perseus is a blazingly fast front-end web development framework built in Rust that supports generating page state at build time, request time, incremental time, or whatever you want.
- Support static generation (only provide static resources)
- Support server-side rendering (provide dynamic resources)
- Supports revalidation (updates the rendered page) after a period of time and/or with custom logic
- Supports incremental regeneration (build on demand)
- Open build matrix (use with any rendering strategy)
- Full i18n support out of the box with Fluent
- Lighthouse has a rating of 100 on desktop and over 95 on mobile.
- Support hot state reload
use perseus::prelude::*; use sycamore::prelude::*; #[perseus::main(perseus_axum::dflt_server)] pub fn main<G: Html>() -> PerseusApp<G> { PerseusApp::new() .template( Template::build("index") .view(|cx| { view! { cx, p { "Hello World!" } } }) .build() ) }
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