Dify It is an easy-to-use LLMOps platform designed to allow more people to create native AI applications with sustainable operations. Dify provides visual orchestration of various types of applications, and the applications can be used out of the box or provided with “Backend as a Service” API.

The name “Dify” comes from the words “Define” and “Modify”. It represents a vision to help developers continuously improve their AI applications. “Dify” can be understood as “Do it for you”.

Apps created with Dify include:

  • Out-of-the-box Web site, supports form mode and chat dialogue mode
  • A set of API can include plug-ins, context enhancement and other capabilities, saving you the work of writing back-end code
  • Visually analyze the data of the application, check the log or mark it

Dify is compatible with Langchain, which means that it will gradually support a variety of LLMs, currently supported:

  • GPT 3 (text-davinci-003)
  • GPT 3.5 Turbo (ChatGPT)
  • GPT-4

Dify.AI Core Capabilities

  • Visually arrange prompts: Write and debug prompts through the interface, and release an AI application in just a few minutes.
  • Access to long context (dataset): Complete text preprocessing fully automatically, using your data as context, without understanding obscure concepts and technical processing.
  • API-based backend-as-a-service development. You can directly access the web application, or integrate the API into your application, without having to pay attention to the complicated back-end architecture and deployment process.
  • Data labeling and improvement: Visually consult AI logs and improve labeling of data, observe the reasoning process of AI, and continuously improve its performance.

Features in development:

  • data set, support more data sets, such as synchronizing Notion or web content. More datasets will be supported, including text, web pages, and even Notion content. Users can build AI applications based on their own data sources.
  • plug-in, launch a plug-in that conforms to the ChatGPT standard, or use a plug-in generated by Dify. ChatGPT compliant plugins, or Dify’s own plugins will be released to enable more functionality in the app.
  • open source model, such as using Llama as a model provider, or for further fine-tuning. Will work with excellent open source models such as Llama, by providing them as model options in the platform, or use them for further fine-tuning.

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