EwaVM (a lightweight & embedded WebAssembly’s VM) is a lightweight and embeddable WebAssembly virtual machine and runtime developed for the next generation of Serverless and Web containers.
- Fully supports the bytecode features of WebAssembly
- Completely based on stack JIT execution (no interpreter will affect efficiency)
- Based on the efficient SLJIT module, it can warm up quickly and enter the efficient execution state without waiting
- The lowest memory footprint, without any additional overhead, the JIT compiler completes all instruction compilation when loading
- Stronger module support and multiple language bindings
Supported Operating Systems: Windows Linux MacOS…
Support toolchain: GCC, MinGW GCC, LLVM Clang, TinyCC
Supported architectures (SLJIT): X86/64, ARM/ARM64/AArch64, RISC-V 32/64, MIPS 32/64, PowerPC 32/64
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