A ChatGPT chat and enhancement plug-in, open source and free. Not only can it solve all error reports and no longer refresh, but also has many advanced functions such as keeping active, canceling audit, cloning dialogue, purifying homepage, displaying large screen, displaying full screen, endless words, intercepting and tracking, and changing with each passing day. Let our AI experience be extremely smooth, silky, efficient and concise.


Function introduction

  1. Solved the error:NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
  2. Solved the error:Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.
  3. Solved the error:Conversation not found
  4. Solved the error:This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area.
  5. Fixed chat interruption
  6. Fixed frequent refresh
  7. support multi-languauge
  8. Solved the official BUG that the user name in the dialogue would be copied by mistake
  9. support freelyCancel background supervision audit
  10. Support mobile terminal (Hongmeng,android,iOS)
  11. support freelyAdjust time interval
  12. supportEasily clone and non-destructively edit specific dialogs
  13. supportPurify the page
  14. Support large screen display
  15. Support display full screen
  16. supportendless words
  17. supportintercept tracking
  18. supportChanging day by day

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