CXYGZL isLow-code open source out-of-the-box workflow engine, any ordinary user can get started directly.
The current open-source workflow engines are basically based on BPMN.js, which leads to a high threshold for use and cannot be controlled by non-professionals. This workflow draws on the DingTalk/Flying Book method to lower the threshold for users to use it in a low-code way. Even ordinary enterprise users can build their own workflow engine in a few minutes.
Create a set of convenient and powerful workflow engine with professionalism!
Technology Architecture
Front end: Vue2+ElementUI+Axios
Backend: SpringBoot2.7.6 (jdk8)+Mysql8+MybatisPlus+Flowable6.8.0+Hutool+SaToken+Beetl
1. Organizational management
- User Management
- department management
2. Process management
- Process group management
- process management
- basic information
- form information
- process information
- other configuration
- my process
- Initiate process
- Upcoming Tasks
- I initiated
- CC me
- Completed tasks
function display
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