Immich is a self-hosted photo and video backup solution.


  • Upload and view videos and photos
  • Automatic backup when opening the app
  • Download photos and videos to your local device
  • Multi-user support
  • Shared album
  • RAW support (HEIC, HEIF, DNG, Apple ProRaw)
  • Metadata view (EXIF, map)
  • Search by metadata, object and image tags
  • Management functions (user management)
  • background backup

System Requirements

  • operating system : Ubuntu, Debian, macOS, etc. are preferred

  • RAM : 2GB minimum, 4GB preferred

  • core : 2 cores minimum, 4 cores preferred

technology stack

Several services make up Immich:

  1. NestJs – the backend of the application
  2. SvelteKit – The web front end of the application
  3. PostgreSQL – The main database of the application
  4. Redis – Used to share websocket instance between docker instance and background task message queue
  5. Nginx – Load balancing and optimized file uploads
  6. TensorFlow – Object Detection (COCO SSD) and Image Classification (ImageNet)

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