Almost all websites use tracking technologies to collect data about you. By law (mostly EU regions) they usually require your permission, which is why many sites have “cookie consent popups”. Consent-O-Matic is a browser extension that recognizes these kinds of pop-ups that are already ubiquitous on the web and automatically fills them in to your liking. Sometimes a website may not use standard categories, in which case Consent-O-Matic will always try to submit the most privacy-preserving settings. For privacy, you may clear cookies when your browser is closed. So every time you visit the same website, you will see the same cookie consent window. Consent-O-Matic is an extension that can help you submit the same information over and over again, which can get you out of this predicament. Consent-O-Matic works with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge on desktop, and Safari on mobile.

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