In September 2022, after deliberation and approval by the openKylin community technical committee, the GraphicSystem graphics system special interest group—GraphicSystem SIGformally established.

The GraphicSystem SIG was initiated and established by Beijing Linzhuo Information Technology Co., Ltd., the governing unit of the openKylin community. It is responsible for the adaptation and optimization of GPU drivers in the openKylin community, graphics software stack optimization, GPU-based general computing, graphics processing system comprehensive testing and evaluation, etc. and graphics system. Relevant information exchange and supporting software development work.


SIG target

  • Responsible for the planning, production, maintenance and upgrade of the openKylin GraphicSystem version
  • Responsible for the application compatibility technology exploration between GraphicSystem, x86 and ARM


SIG Responsibilities

1. GPU driver adaptation and optimization

It supports the adaptation of various types of mainstream GPUs to openKylin, further expands the GPU support scope of openKylin, and provides a high-performance basic software environment for various types of graphics applications.

2.Graphics software stack optimization

Develop and optimize various basic software related to graphics processing such as openKylin’s display server, window manager, display manager, 2D/3D graphics acceleration system, image processing system, etc., and provide various types of graphics processing applications with excellent performance. A tool library that enhances the graphics processing capabilities of openKylin and builds a unified graphics processing standard and operating environment for openKylin.

3.GPU-based general computing acceleration and optimization

Develop general-purpose computing acceleration software and supporting libraries for GPUs, support general-purpose computing acceleration and optimization based on various types of GPUs on the openKylin platform, and realize artificial intelligence computing acceleration and optimization in the fields of image processing, speech processing, and natural language processing based on GPU hardware. Optimization, as well as GPU general computing acceleration and optimization for various types of high-performance computing and scientific computing.

4.Comprehensive testing and evaluation of graphics processing systems

Develop comprehensive testing and evaluation software for graphics processing systems, build standardized test data sets, provide openKylin with a convenient and efficient graphics processing system testing tool set, and support graphics processing system testing and evaluation in various hardware environments.

5.Development and Promotion of Graphic Application Software

Develop various graphics application software in openKylin, covering image processing, audio and video processing, 3D modeling and other graphics applications.


Welcome to SIG

GraphicSystem SIG is responsible for the software development and information exchange related to the graphics system in the openKylin community, and provides support for expanding the application ecology of openKylin. Welcome to join us!

The openKylin (Open Kylin) community aims at “co-creation” as the core, on the basis of open source, voluntary, equal and collaborative, through open source and open means to build a partner ecosystem with enterprises, and jointly build a top-level desktop operating system community, Promote the prosperity and development of Linux open source technology and its software and hardware ecosystem.

The first member units of the community include Kylin Software, Puhua Basic Software, Zhongke Fangde, Kylin Xinan, Meditation Software, Yiming Software, Zhongxing Xinfu, Yuanxin Technology, China Electric Power 32, Jide System, Beijing Lin Zhuo, Advanced Operating System Innovation Center and other 13 industry colleagues and industry institutions.

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