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In this easy-to-follow Elementor WordPress tutorial for 2023, I’ll be teaching you how to use Elementor, a popular WordPress theme and plugin development tool to easily create your own beautiful WordPress website. We’ll start by creating a simple homepage, and then gradually build on this example until we have a fully functional website. By the end of this Elementor WordPress tutorial, you’ll have the skills you need to develop your own websites with Elementor!

😎 You’ll need to start with webhosting and a domain name. Grab my exclusive affiliate discount and save 70% off normal hosting price 👉

🎬 Want a plan for what to put on your website to attract new clients automatically? Register for the FREE On-demand video masterclass training, “The Automated Clients-on-Demand Website Blueprint for Service Businesses” Just go to:

To get my expertly-curated Google Font Pairing Guide, go to: 👉


Intro & Overview 00:00
Webhosting and Domain Name 00:40

Basic WordPress Setup
Wordpress Installation 03:36
Wordpress Dashboard Overview 04:15
Wordpress User Setup 05:25

Install Elementor
Install Plugin 05:47
Elementor Website Templates 06:45

Building Website
Choosing Website Template 07:26
Elementor Dashboard 09:17

Building Homepage 11:55
Making Homepage Responsive 46:40

Customize About Page 53:13
Making About Page Responsive 01:11:20

Customize Services Page 01:13:34
Making Services Page Responsive 01:17:40

Customize Gallery Page 01:18:14

Customize Pricing Page 01:20:26
Making Pricing Page Responsive 01:27:09

Customize Contact Page 01:28:44
Making Contact Page Responsive 01:35:08

Creating a New Page 01:35:27

FREE On-Demand Video Masterclass Training 01:36:45
#Elementor #Wordpress #Tutorial #Beginners #Edition

50 thoughts on “Elementor WordPress Tutorial for Beginners – 2023 Edition!”

  1. Hi. If you have already picked a site kit and started building on the site… Are you able to swap it with a different one? How?
    Thanks for a nice video.

  2. Fantastic video! This helped a TON for when I want to create my website. One question tho, I would like to use this approach to redo the website of the company I'm currently working for, how would you go about doing this for an already created wordpress site? Is there a transfer method or will I need to start over & add everything??

  3. It has probably been updated, but all the navigation is new. 50% of how Elementor look inthis video is now gone and it has been impossible to navigate the new update. uninstalled elementor right now

  4. Hey Wes I do a podcast. Elementor seems to screw up the podcast. Have you found a way around Elementor from preventing the podcast from showing up on the page?

  5. Hi Wes! This video looks great but im not able to figure out how you got to the Elementor website after clicking “activate” in the WP plugin settings. I was able to find an Elementor site from the plug-in settings but it looks different from your video and there are no free plans available. Can you please explain where to go after clicking activate? 👉 06:19

  6. Ok, that was quite nice – Thanks much. Have a question as get to the end. Done with my changes, hit UPDATE, but the PUBLISH button does not show up. Why not, how can I get this thing published and out into the world?

  7. A very interesting video. But unfortunately I have some issues. I don't have the 'Header' nor 'footer' option available in the 'Site Settings'. Do you guys have the same issue ? If yes, how did you solve it ? I'd like to know. Because of that I am stuck in the 10 first minutes of the video. 🙁

  8. I'm about halfway through the video… you're helping me so much with a client's website!

    How do I expand the background image to go across the width of the screen?

  9. Hello. Worked through your tutorial, enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. However, I do have a question. How can you get rid of a themekit completely because I have remnants of blocks, text and stuff knocking about that I have to manually get rid of component by component? Surely, there must be an easier way of going back to a default state as virginal as when I first loaded the Elementor plug-in. For instance, if I load your suggested kit (wireframe) it loads but I have old images and blocks that skews the new kit. I would like to start with nothing in it BEFORE I choose a template or kit. Zilch. Nada. Zero. Nowt. Thank you so much.

  10. When I add a new page how would I put that into the header though? Great tutorial otherwise, I could follow along just fine with zero experience 🙂

  11. I like the video as it has great content on Elementor basics. Despite the changes in costs to sign up completely, I appreciate the time and effort put into the video.

  12. Very nice tutorial Wes, I appreciate your enthusiasm and also know the value you are giving here. All these little tips are actually very powerful and grasping them can be the difference that makes the difference for folks venturing to build their own sites.

  13. I'm having trouble editing my header. It's not where it is for you on my end. And when I search for header, it says I need to upgrade to elementor pro even though Im using the free theme you're using here

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