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  1. At this point feeding clients WordPress is dishonest as it’s not the best option for their long term success in all of the aspects of the new digital age. But as he mentioned it makes a quick buck for “agencies”

  2. In a good way is okay to use WordPress but if you want to make some changes as you said, it's great if you learn how to code. So, in my opinion, I prefer to learn code first and then using another websites builder like WordPress, Joomla, Wix, etc. and the frameworks too. Companies now, they asking you if you know how to learn to use WordPress and also if you know how to code from 0 for they can hiring you. If you can programm by your own to make projects, it's okay.

  3. if you are building themes and plugins and the result is from your creations, the yes it's for developers and it's works really nice as framework. However I agree in case of the next next next people

  4. im getting a lot of clients from WordPress. Not because I am using WordPress, but because I am showing bad design practice in many of the themes people use thus giving me new clients. I just took over a business site that they paid 1000$ down payment and 120 a month. The theme they used the title did not properly scale to mobile, the animations slowed the site down a ton (Google has tools to check speed) and the SEO was very bad. A lot of themes have tons of bloat that is not even needed for same effect. WordPress is great if you need to throw something up and add a bunch of tools but other than that, most designers can spot a WP theme when the site loads up. Me and my partner Specifically look for WP sites now and test them, we have yet to come across one that meets our metric standards.

  5. I was introduced to WordPress as an employee at a small business with only a basic graphic design background, no coding/development experience. My boss hired a guy to make us a website and him and his team built us a WordPress site with all the e-commerce stuff. This has been a good and bad thing. Good because its user friendly on the backend for most to be able to use without any issues. Bad because most of it is made up of 3rd party plug-ins and whatnot that cannot fully accommodate to our needs. I can see where it would definitely save time but there isn't any way to tweak things and that has been an issue.

  6. This is why the developer is not the owner… WordPress is the #1 CMS on the Internet to this day.
    With that being said, it is a pain in the ass sometimes.. code is easier once you understand it is the irony

  7. I wasted so much money on WP "developer" because the owner thought his developer could make my website. I want to sue for a non-working website but I don't know what lawyer would take it on. :(. I got hussled.

  8. If you’re that upset over a “job title” then that sounds like a “your ego” problem. Sorry, but plenty of us WP freelancers and one person agencies do just as well and often better monetarily than “real developer” fanboys. 😂

  9. I don’t think it’s necessary to Shane people for using WordPress in a different way to yourself, your quotation mark hand gestures are unnecessary. Buck toothed twat.

  10. No such thing as a "real" developer; just different classes of problems and different tools which work best for those classes of problems given certain contraints (e.g: time and budget). I currently work as a back-end PHP developer and I don't mind WordPress as far as I've explored it so far. I'll need to take a closer look at front-end development for WP — maybe that'll make me dislike it.

  11. Devs hate WordPress??? You just have to use it the right way if you are a dev. Some clients can pay you a nice money for doing a wordpress website and it will take you just some few hours. Easy money!!! why do devs hate wordpress, lol. If you need some custom work you can use Oxygen or create your own theme from scratch.

  12. I know what you say when you say that developers dont like wordPress, but to actually call it a scam where people who cant code uses themes thats not theirs is wrong?? You can make big projects with WP, you can make ecommerce with WP and you can pretty much do what customers wish for if you just know how. We had a customer one time who had a website where developers where building it, their costs where way higher than ours, and she couldn't do anything on her page. So mainly we moved an builded her a page for a much lesser price, and now she can control her own images and everything there without spending big bucks every month, so tell me who is the scammer?

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