So you have a growing freelance business, where you seem to be doing exclusively, WordPress installs and theme building work … do you need to still keep coding?

You should know that WordPress is created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP … so understanding the languages can be more than handy.

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50 thoughts on “WordPress Freelancer is Making so Much Money … should he drop Coding?”

  1. Thanks to you Stefan and your freelancer course. I got my first client (I have fullstack webdev background) and making theme with wordpress.

  2. If WordPress can make such amazing sites, why is there a need to learn programming? Will it kill coding in the long run?

    WordPress is not always the answer to any question. It’s true that it has 28% of websites, but it is not out of the box solution for every site. For example:

    What if you need to have a specific functionality, that it’s not built-in in WordPress and none plugin supports that?

    Or there is a plugin, which you need to modify some part of the code?

    You need to use programming languages like PHP and/or MySQL at Back-End and HTML, CSS and JS on Front-End.
    There is no plugin for every requirement, trust me. My clients had needs that I have never imagined. It’s cool because it needs from me to make something new, especially for them. It caused that these websites are unique and I could be proud of them.
    But it is true, that you don’t need to know how to coding if you know someone who knows that 🙂

    I hope it helps!

  3. Stefan – wow : don't know what to say…Just simple perfect video 👍👍👍👍 : Many thanks for this userful video. Its great 👑💓🕊!

    Keep up the awsome job – i look forward your next vids – eg. covering the WordPress version 6.1 or future Gutenberg – Topics. 👑💓🕊!

  4. even in CMS we're coding I have made multiple custom themes and I have gained a lot of experience in WordPress, at the same time I am a react developer so yah nothing wrong.

  5. Yes , money 💸 is the end result of your work. Work more efficient and effective 💪. Learning how to code in WordPress makes you have superpower

  6. Stumbled upon your video in my feed, I loved your answer to this question, and I appreciated it.

    I do freelance work for my friends as a hobby, I only really know the Adobe creative Cloud suite and really only Photoshop, Premiere Pro, and After Effects. I can help them with basic stuff, but they seem to all be needing help with websites. Where could I get started with that, I don't know coding, but I'm open to learning. Hoping to hear from you, thanks! 😊

  7. Hi Stefen,
    I have a question. I was a bit confused at first, thinking whether I should learn hand coding or wordpress could take take care of everything but I understand now.

    I will learn HTML and CSS, use wordpress and use my html/css skills to extend wordpress's functionality but one thing i was wondering is that I'm also gonna need to learn a backend language for web dev which most of the people suggest Java but wordpress doesn't use Java, i can use my html/css skills in wordpress but not the Java skills.
    Should I still learn Java or should i try for PHP?

  8. As a person who is yet to learn css and html course, especially for freelancing, creating websites. Should I learn those, then java or should I go for WordPress?

  9. Hi Stefan,
    I am new to all this web-development and programming. I just did a couple of guided WP projects on Coursera, apart from a couple of basic courses I did online on HTML & CSS.

    I have a question here…
    On my WordPress account, I can create multiple websites. But if I am creating a website for someone else or someone's business, do I create a new WP account to do that as I have to give them c-panel access? Or is it possible to create from the same account and give them c-panel access specific to that website?

  10. I am a front-end developer with a couple years of experience and used to hate WordPress with a passion. But once you start doing more work for clients there is no escaping it, it's everywhere. I am now forced to dive deep into WP development so that I can my client needs instead of passing WP projects. Plus it won't take away from your coding experience, you're just adding value and more recommendations.

  11. Very true ..let the market decide. I have been in WordPress development for years and I quickly learned that my experience in other languages is useful in WordPress development too. You cannot wish JS away if you want to be a solid WordPress developer.

  12. But come on you can't just sell a WORDPRESS website with the same price as a website built with php or maybe laravel , so this is quite a problem for developrs , ??

  13. Im from Poland this guy ancestors probably come from Poland.
    There is a surname in Poland "Miszczuk" is pronounced identically to word "Mischook" in english. Sorry for language mistakes

  14. As a person who also freelances mostly offering WordPress services to my clients, i can tell you. WordPress is so much more powerful if you know how to extend its functionality to fit your clients needs with your own code, instead of relying on someone elses plugins that may or may not be built for what your client needs.
    Also everyone who doesn't know to code, shouldn't call themselves a developer.

  15. I did several web development courses but because of my old age nobody was interested in hiring me. I started freelancing and over time I have found that WordPress works best for me. The stuff that I learned comes handy for sure, but for a one-man business WP is the quickest solution. Maybe an agency or app studio where many people contribute to a single project, that's when all the coding skills are most useful.

  16. Hi Stefan, I have this question that I have been wanted to ask you.

    I'm learning frontend and do have some clients already, but what scares me is all these new tools that are currently appearing in the market, like Editor X and webflow which requires zero programing experience. And that makes me to be demotivated fairing that I won't be able to get a job. Or a year from now, I won't be able to find clients anymore.

    Also there's tons of stuff that we developers have to learn and now especially if someone have just started out. It makes it very hard for us to earn some money and keep on learning the next peice of code.

    What is your take on this? , and what should we new developers do about this. and the things to keep in mind.

    Sorry for the long comment. I would love to hear your take on this. Thanks again! And greetings from the Netherlands!

  17. I had this same thought when I was in college studying web development. I found that I like making WordPress websites with little code needed much more than creating WordPress themes from scratch. I agree with Stefan, you don't need to be all in or all out here. However, I've made significantly more money by focusing on WordPress and making basic websites while learning things like SEO and marketing. You've got to figure out what you like to do and follow your interest at the end of the day IMO.

  18. I don't see wordpress as a stable income for a long period of time.
    Coding opens many options for you in a long run and you can be assured to have a job be it freelance or in the office.

  19. I acknowledge WordPress as a tool. And I acknowledge the fact that WordPress is ruling the majority of the market. But I have this really weird tendency to avoid WordPress at all cost. I don't know. Something that is too easy isn't worthwhile. Of course, you're free to think of me as an arrogant, but I'm kinda helpless here. I just want to avoid WordPress.

  20. I wonder how many people stopped writing code or at least code much less due to Webflow and page builder plugins like Elementor and Beaver Builder.

  21. But Stefan, you can only have so much skillset. You gotta focus on few things as your expertise. If you try to learn everything, you won't be good at any of them.

  22. Am I the only one here who noticed that WP sites load and change pages slowly ?
    Am I the only one here that noticed that WP default gives you no GUI design freedom and that headless WP is too awkward to put together ?
    You're making a lot of dough on WP sites ? I doubt it. There's a lot of graphic designers out there doing WP sites. And at the other extreme, a lot of non-graphic designers offering low-cost WP sites ! You'll make about $2,000 a week if you're good.
    You'd better bank as much of it as you can.
    Because soon a Node.js + Strapi CMS operator is going to comb your kind of customer with a proposition that saves them more than enough on 1 year's hosting cost to pay for a whole new Node site.

  23. A plumber, a barber or small to medium shop are not going to want their website built with React, Redux, Express, GraphQL and Node. In fact they most probably wouldn't have a clue what any of those things are. There is a market for everyone. Nothing should ever be dismissed through snobbery or ignorance. Tools have specific uses to achieve the desired results.

  24. This is very nasty for devs. People without knowledge how just know wordpress take developers jobs. I wish wordpres somehow could dissapear

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