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IDE for FreeBasic

Visual FreeBasic Editor can generate 32-bit and 64-bit green free installation programs used under Windows, Linux, Dos, and Android, and the language style is similar to the Basic language of VB.NET. If you feel that you need a new function, you can modify it on the basis of the Visual FreeBasic Editor source code and use it yourself. If you want to recommend it to everyone, you can send the modified source code to the author and integrate it into the official version.

Visual FreeBasic Editor uses MyFbFramework framework. MyFbFramework framework is a common and basic control library written in the freeBASIC programming language of the Basic language family of C-like language. There are currently 83 common classes and controls. The syntax is similar in nature to the programming language, and these classes can be used to quickly and easily create type-safe software products. MyFbFramework framework address: MyFbFramework.

Operating requirements:

You need to download the FreeBASIC compiler separately, the official address of the FreeBASIC compiler: Other download addresses of the FreeBASIC compiler 1:



Program compilation method:

You can use the methods provided below to compile the program from the command line, or you can open the source program in the VisualFBEditor to compile. Before compiling the project, configure the path of the compiler in “Settings”, and also set the path of the MyFbFramework framework.

Remember: If there is no mff64.dll and libmff64.dll.a (running 64-bit system VisualFBEditor), mff32.dll and libmff32.dll.a (running 32-bit system VisualFBEditor) in the framework directory of MyFbFramework, you will not be able to perform visual form design. You can download the MyFbFramework framework source code and compile it as provided below. freeBasic has many third-party library support, which can be downloaded after installing Msys2.

In the command line program compilation provided below, the path of the compiler and the path of the MyFbFramework framework should also be changed to the actual address in your computer. Relative paths are not supported in the old version. If the file cannot be found, Please configure the path of the corresponding compiler and the path of the MyFbFramework framework as absolute paths in “Settings”.

Known Issues:

There is a conflict between the VisualFBEditor code window and Microsoft’s Pinyin, and the solution is to turn on “Use the previous version of Microsoft’s Pinyin input method” in Microsoft’s Pinyin settings or install other input methods.

Compiled on the operating system Windows 32-bit:

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -s gui -x "../VisualFBEditor32.exe" "VisualFBEditor.rc" -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework"
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" "mff.rc" -dll -x "../mff32.dll"

Compiled on the operating system Windows 32-bit (for gtk2):

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -s gui -x "../VisualFBEditor32_gtk2.exe" "VisualFBEditor.rc" -d __USE_GTK__ -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework" -p "Path_to_msys2\msys32\mingw32\lib"
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" "mff.rc" -dll -x "../mff32_gtk2.dll" -d __USE_GTK__ -p "Path_to_msys2\msys32\mingw32\lib"

Compiled on the operating system Windows 32-bit (for gtk3):

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -s gui -x "../VisualFBEditor32_gtk3.exe" "VisualFBEditor.rc" -d __USE_GTK__ -d __USE_GTK3__ -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework" -p "Path_to_msys2\msys32\mingw32\lib"
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" "mff.rc" -dll -x "../mff32_gtk3.dll" -d __USE_GTK__ -d __USE_GTK3__ -p "Path_to_msys2\msys32\mingw32\lib"

Compiled on the operating system Windows 64-bit:

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -s gui -x "../VisualFBEditor64.exe" "VisualFBEditor.rc" -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework"
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" "mff.rc" -dll -x "../mff64.dll"

Compiled on Windows 64-bit (for gtk2):

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -s gui -x "../VisualFBEditor64_gtk2.exe" "VisualFBEditor.rc" -d __USE_GTK__ -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework" -p "Path_to_msys2\msys32\mingw64\lib"
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" "mff.rc" -dll -x "../mff64_gtk2.dll" -d __USE_GTK__ -p "Path_to_msys2\msys32\mingw64\lib"

Compiled on the operating system Windows 64-bit (for gtk3):

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -s gui -x "../VisualFBEditor64_gtk3.exe" "VisualFBEditor.rc" -d __USE_GTK__ -d __USE_GTK3__ -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework" -p "Path_to_msys2\msys32\mingw64\lib"
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" "mff.rc" -dll -x "../mff64_gtk3.dll" -d __USE_GTK__ -d __USE_GTK3__ -p "Path_to_msys2\msys32\mingw64\lib"

Compiled on the operating system Linux 32-bit (for gtk2):

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -x "../VisualFBEditor32_gtk2" -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework"
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" -dll -x "../"

Compiled on the operating system Linux 32-bit (for gtk3):

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -x "../VisualFBEditor32_gtk3" -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework" -d __USE_GTK3__
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" -dll -x "../" -d __USE_GTK3__

Compiled on the operating system Linux 64-bit (for gtk2):

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -x "../VisualFBEditor64_gtk2" -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework"
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" -dll -x "../"

Compiled on the operating system Linux 64-bit (for gtk3):

  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/src
  fbc "VisualFBEditor.bas" -x "../VisualFBEditor64_gtk3" -i "Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework" -d __USE_GTK3__
  cd Path_to_VisualFBEditor/MyFbFramework/mff
  fbc -b "" -dll -x "../" -d __USE_GTK3__

Sample bat file:

REM Sample Windows 64 bit Build
REM Change path to the VisualFBEditor source
cd "C:\FreeBasic\Projects\VisualFBEditor-master\src"
REM A Copy of the MyFbFramework was also placed to
REM "C:\FreeBasic\Projects\VisualFBEditor-master\MyFbFramework"
REM the 64 bit FreeBasic compiler is located in
REM "C:\FreeBasic\X64\fbc.exe"
REM "Version 1.08.0 64 bit Windows build"
"C:\FreeBasic\X64\fbc.exe" "VisualFBEditor.bas" "VisualFBEditor.rc" -s gui -x "../VisualFBEditor64.exe" -i "C:\FreeBasic\Projects\VisualFBEditor-master\MyFbFramework"
REM Change path to the MyFbFramework source
cd "C:\FreeBasic\Projects\VisualFBEditor-master\MyFbFramework\mff"
"C:\FreeBasic\X64\fbc.exe" -b "" "mff.rc" -dll -x "..\mff64.dll"

MyFbFramework is a public and basic control library written in the freeBASIC programming language like Basic language. There are currently 83 public classes and controls. The syntax is similar in nature to the programming language, and these classes can be used to quickly and easily create type-safe software products.

Animate.bas            动画控件
Application.bas        应用程序模块              提供与当前应用程序相关的属性、方法和事件。
Bitmap.bas             位图控件
Brush.bas              画笔控件
Canvas.bas             画布模块
Chart.bas              图标控件
CheckBox.bas           多选框控件
CheckedListBox.bas     多选框列表控件
Classes.bas            类管理模块
Clipboard.bas          剪切板控件
ComboBoxEdit.bas       组合框控件
ComboBoxEx.bas         超级组合框控件
CommandButton.bas      命令按钮控件
Component.bas          容器控件
ContainerControl.bas   容器管理控件            为可用作其他控件的容器的控件提供焦点管理功能。
Control.bas            控件管理控件
Cursor.bas             鼠标指针模块             用于绘制鼠标指针的图像。
DateTimePicker.bas     日期时间控件
Dialogs.bas            对话选择框控件
Dictionary.bas         字典模块
DoubleList.bas         双精度链表
Font.bas               字体模块
Form.bas               窗体控件
Graphic.bas            图像模块
Graphics.bas           图像类模块
Grid.bas               表格控件
GroupBox.bas           组合框容器              用于对控件集合进行分组。
Header.bas             标题控件
HotKey.bas             热键控件
HScrollBar.bas         水平滚动条控件
Icon.bas               Icon图标模块
ImageBox.bas           图像框控件 
ImageList.bas          图像列表模块
IniFile.bas            配置文件模块
IntegerList.bas        整型链表
IPAddress.bas          IP地址控件
Label.bas              标签控件
LinkLabel.bas          超链接标签控件
List.bas               顺序链表
ListControl.bas        控件链表             为 ListBox 类和 ComboBox 类提供一个共同的成员实现方法。
ListView.bas           列表视图控件         该控件显示可用四种不同视图之一显示的项集合。
Menus.bas              菜单控件
MonthCalendar.bas      月历日期控件        该控件使用户能够使用可视月历显示来选择日期。
NativeFontControl.bas  字体控件
Object.bas             对象模块
OpenFileControl.bas    标准文件打开对话模块  显示一个标准对话框,提示用户打开文件。 
PageScroller.bas       翻页模块
PageSetupDialog.bas    页面设置模块
Panel.bas              面板容器            用于对控件集合进行分组。
Pen.bas                画笔控件
Picture.bas            图片框控件            表示用于显示或绘制图像的图片框控件。
PrintDialog.bas        打印对话框
Printer.bas            打印机管理控件    
PrintPreviewDialog.bas 打印预览控件
ProgressBar.bas        进度栏控件。
RadioButton.bas        单选控件            当与其他 RadioButton 控件成对出现时,使用户能够从一组选项中选择一个选项。
ReBar.bas              窗体容器
Registry.bas            注册表模块
RichTextBox.bas        超文本框控件
ScrollBarControl.bas   自动滚动模块      为支持自动滚动行为的控件定义一个基类。
Splitter.bas           拆分器控件       表示允许用户调整停靠控件大小的拆分器控件。
StatusBar.bas          状态栏控件
StringList.bas         文本链表
SysUtils.bas           公用系统模块
TabControl.bas         选项卡控件
TextBox.bas            文本控件
TimerComponent.bas    定时器模块
ToolBar.bas            工具栏控件
ToolPalette.bas         工具栏容器
ToolTips.bas            文本提示框控件
TrackBar.bas            跟踪条控件
TreeListView.bas        树形列表控件
TreeView.bas            树形控件
UpDown.bas               上下选择框
UserControl.bas        用户自定义模块
UString.bas           宽字符模块
VScrollBar.bas        垂直滚动条
WebBrowser.bas        网页浏览器控件
WStringList.bas       宽字符链表

#Visual #FreeBasic #Editor #generate #32bit #64bit #green #installationfree #programs #Windows #Linux #MacOS #Android #language #style #similar #Basic #language #programming #language #VBNET #Visual #FreeBasic #Editor #MyFbFramework #framework #common #basic #control #library #written #freeBASIC #programming #language #Basic #language

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