Neovim v0.8.0 has been released.
Major feature changes
- runtime: Enable filetype.lua by default (#19216)
- Add
- Add “prerelease” to version dict
- Click support for ‘statusline’, ‘winbar’ #18650
- Add preview functionality to user commands
- allow Cmdheight=0 (EXPERIMENTAL) #16251
- Stdpath(‘run’), /tmp/nvim.user/ #18993
- Add ‘mousescroll’ option (#12355)
- Allow :wincmd to accept a count (#19815)
- Multibuffer preview support for inccommand
- Man: Port to Lua (#19912)
See the release note for details.
Neovim is a fork of Vim,Aims to improve the codebase, allow easier API implementation, improve user experience and plugin implementation. Neovim has 30% less source code than Vim.
Its goals are:
- Refactor code to improve maintenance
- Implement new advanced features
- Demonstrate a better and more powerful plugin system
- Open development model, accepting contributions at any time, and the acceptance criteria are also very clear.
- modern graphical user interface
- Access APIs from any language, including C/C++, C#, Clojure, D, Elixir, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript/Node.js, Julia, Lisp, Lua, Perl, Python, Racket, Ruby, Rust
- Embedded, scriptable terminal emulator
- Asynchronous job control
- Shared data (shada) between multiple editor instances.
- Support XDG base directory
- Compatible with most Vim plugins, including Ruby and Python plugins
#Neovim #v080 #released #extensible #text #editor #based #Vim #News Fast Delivery