pnpm is a fast, disk space saving package manager. It uses a content-addressable filesystem to store all files of all module directories on disk. When using npm or Yarn, if you have 100 projects using lodash, you will have 100 copies of lodash on disk, while with pnpm, lodash will be stored in a content-addressable storage.

pnpm 7.13 is officially released, the updates are as follows:

  • Security Hardening for GitHub Workflows
  • Feature: merge readPackage hooks from opts and pnpmfile
  • Feature: Exclude deps from update
  • Fix: Duplicate dir paths in global links
  • Fix: filter-prod flag includes packages for all workspaces
  • Feature: Ignored in update/outdated commands package.json > pnpm.updateConfig.ignoreDependencies packages listed in
  • Fix: don’t overwrite root dependencies when auto-installing peers

For more details, please check:

#pnpm #Released #Disk #Space #Saving #Package #Manager #News Fast Delivery

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