Following calls to stop C/C++ for new projects and use Rust,Mark Russinovich, Microsoft Azure CTO, lead developer at Sysinternals A rant about Git’s new social dynamics has caused widespread discussion. He stated:

Git is making me want to pull my hair out again. It’s one of the least intuitive and clunky interfaces of any software I’ve ever used.

In fact,Mark Russinovich Not the first nor the only one to feel this way, with many expressing their sympathy in the comments.someonepoint out“As far as I know, even Linus hates it”.One of the high-like comments also pointed to a page that complained about Git (, this Tucao page was even spontaneously translated into different language versions by dozens of developers in different countries.

Getting good at Git is hard: It’s so easy to make a mistake and then try to make up for it yourself, it’s just too hard. Looking up Git documentation is a chicken-and-egg gotta know what you want but if I knew, I’d be looking up a fucking doc!

The author of the webpage also shared in detail that he is using Some maddening moments I encountered with Git, and the solutions used:

against Remarks by Mark Russinovich,some people are excitedexpressI’ve been bothered by Git for a long time, and now someone in authority is finally speaking out.

according towikiencyclopedia,Mark Eugene Russinovich(born December 22, 1966) is a Hispanic-American software engineer who is currently the CTO of Microsoft Azure. Before being acquired by Microsoft in 2006, he was the co-founder of software maker Winternals.

Mark Russinovich His first exposure to computers was in the 1970s when his friend’s father got an Apple II. At that point, he was able to reverse engineer and program his ROM. At 15, he bought himself his first computer, a Texas Instruments TI99/4A. He is also the author of the novels Rogue Code, Zero Day and Trojan Horse, Windows Internals, Sysinternals tools. In 2005,The Sony DRM anti-copy program incident that has caused great repercussions in the industry is alsohe found.

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