Meet JetEngine 3.3.0 WordPress plugin release with these enhancements and new features:

▶️ Location & Distance Filter: search with precision! Seamlessly locate items within a specific radius, now available for JetSmartFilters in conjunction with the Query Builder.
▶️ Twig/Timber View Type: use the Twig template engine to ensure top-notch performance and HTML cleanliness for your templates.
▶️ Enhanced UI/UX for Select, Radio, and Checkbox fields.
▶️ Calendar Module Update: Introducing the “Advanced Date” meta field for recurring events, simplifying event creation and display.
▶️ Disable Query Caching: Now, the option to disable Query Builder caching for specific scenarios is available.

📥Get JetEngine plugin:

📥Twig integration for fast dynamic websites

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00:00 Introduction
00:49 Location and Distance type filter
03:28 Ability to disable caching for Query Builder
03:46 New source for creating listing items – Twig/Timber
09:02 Advanced Date meta field type + Recurring events
10:22 How to display recurring events in a calendar
15:27 Final thoughts

Written tutorials:
🗒️Timber/Twig Listing View Overview

🗒️How to Create Custom Listing Template Using Twig/Timber View

🗒️Location & Distance Filter Overview

🗒️How to Show Posts in Listing Grid Based on Location and Distance

🗒️How to Display Recurring Events in the Dynamic Calendar

JetEngine playlist


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#JetEngine #WordPress #Plugin #3.3.0 #Overview #Features #Updates

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