The menu on your site is one of its most important features, as it gives access to the rest of your site. Unfortunately, a large portion of the menus that come stock with WordPress themes fail in several ways to deliver on the promise of easy access to the rest of your site for all. They may work for the majority of your visitors, but if you really want to give an inclusive experience to all your visitors, you need to take some time to evaluate and remediate this feature.

In this meetup, Deneb discussed the reasons an accessible menu is essential to providing a good experience for website visitors. He explored some of the many ways the default menus of various WordPress themes fall short of providing an accessible experience to visitors. He explained how to check a theme’s menu for accessibility and how to remediate it if needed.

This is a recording of a November 2023 WordPress Accessibility Meetup.

The WordPress Accessibility Meetup Group is a global group of WordPress developers, designers, and users interested in building more accessible websites. Join us twice per month for meetups on a variety of topics related to making WordPress websites that can be used by people of all abilities.
Learn more about this group at

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#Accessibility #Pitfalls #WordPress #Menus #Deneb #Pulsipher #WordPress #Accessibility #Meetup

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