Recently, Musk went to the Twitter headquarters building and the engineering teamConducted a code reviewand posted a group photo after the end, as well as a Twitter system architecture diagram.

Of course, this is not the overall architecture diagram of Twitter. It mainly shows the operating architecture of Timeline. The key component is Timeline Mixer, which is said to be a general server that aggregates any specific Timeline. Home Mixer is obtained from Timeline Mixer. content and deliver it exclusively to the home page.

Someone made this architecture diagramAdded detailed notes:

It was also reorganized based on it,A simplified version is provided:

Some netizens found out the structure diagram of Twitter 10 years ago,and compare it to the current:

Musk also released himself after the code reviewnotes made:

– TLS may be deprecated this week
– Home mixer calculates 10 times faster than Timeline
– Ad blender can greatly increase relevancy at the cost of lower total ad views.The more interesting the ad, the more time you’ll spend watching it

Some netizens said that when they were conducting a code review with Musk, they got an optimization proposal from their boss, but they received an email of being laid off the next day (the authenticity cannot be confirmed, I don’t know if it was edited…)

#Musk #posted #Twitter #architecture #diagram #News Fast Delivery

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