On November 28, 2022, MiniFramework released version 2.9.4, the main changes are as follows:
- Improve the where() method of the Mini\Base\Model class to be insensitive to the case of the incoming mathematical and logical operation symbols.
- Improve the way exceptions are thrown in the Mini\Db\Mysql classes.
- Fix the bug that the log will be repeatedly recorded in certain scenarios.
- Optimize exception information display and log record format.
- Optimize the exception handling mechanism, and migrate the methods related to exception handling to the Mini\Base\Exception class.
- Improve the exception error message when the database object cannot be found.
(Learn more: https://gitee.com/jasonwei/miniframework/releases/tag/2.9.4)
Get the source code:
Gitee (recommended): https://gitee.com/jasonwei/miniframework
Github: https://github.com/jasonweicn/miniframework
Developer’s Guide:
Online version: https://www.miniframework.com/docv2/guide/
MiniFramework is an ultra-lightweight PHP development framework that supports MVC and RESTful and is published under the Apache2 open source protocol. If it is helpful to you, please don’t begrudge the little star in your hand!
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