TOra is an open source SQL IDE for Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.

TOra is supported to run with Oracle 8.1.7 or newer client installations. It has been verified to work with Oracle 10g and 11g.

Toolkit for Oracle is a program for database developers and administrators. The features available so far are (as of version 1.2):

  • handle multiple connections

  • Supports Oracle and MySQL

  • Advanced SQL Worksheet

    • explain plan
    • PL/SQL auto-indent
    • Report statistics
    • error location indication
    • SQL syntax highlighting
    • code completion
    • Results visualization
    • PL/SQL block parsing
    • Report Statistics Comparison
  • schema browser

    • Table and ViewEdit
    • References and dependencies
    • object reverse engineering
    • Tab and tree based browsing
    • Object and Data Filtering
  • PL/SQL editor/debugger

    • breakpoint
    • watch
    • line stepping
    • SQL output view
    • tree analysis
  • server tuning

    • Server overview
    • Adjust the chart
    • wait state analyzer
    • I/O to tablespaces and files
    • Performance
    • server statistics
    • Parameter Editor (P-File Editor)
  • security manager

  • Storage manager with object and scope viewer

  • session manager

  • Rollback manager with snapshot too old detection

  • SGA and long operation traces

  • current session information

  • PL/SQL Analyzer

  • Explain Plan Explorer

  • statistics manager

  • DBMS alert tool

  • invalid object browser

  • SQL output viewer

  • Database/schema comparison and search

  • Extract schema objects to SQL scripts

  • easy to expand

  • Support for new or old Oracle versions can be added without programming.

  • SQL template help

  • Full UNICODE support

  • Print any list, text or chart

See the file INSTALL for installation instructions.

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