update content:

[新增] Theme Configuration – Menu Configuration – Menu Grouping.
[新增] Theme Configuration – Menu Configuration – Side Column and Top Column Options.
[新增] Menu data type attribute, model and blank optional values, menu items support pop-up layer to open external links.
[新增] Workspace – New tab case for the console.
[新增] Tab toolbar, add close current, close all, close others.
[修复] An issue where tab switching caused the page state to reset.
[修复] Problem with tabs not existing after router refresh.
[修复] The echarts chart becomes blank after switching labels.
[修复] Problem with top menu foreground color being white.
[优化] The layout of the mobile terminal is compatible and better adapted to devices under 768px.
[优化] Top menu item hover effect.
[集成] npm run build package analysis, support report printing.
[升级] layui-vue 1.7.10.


In this important update, we have added a column layout, and it supports displaying on the top or side.

You can switch between two different column layouts through the theme configuration page, or directly close the column mode and use the traditional layout method.

More details: https://gitee.com/layui-vue/layui-vue-admin

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