FileZilla Server is a free and open source FTP and FTPS server that provides secure encrypted connections to servers. Filezilla Server does not implement support for SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol).

FileZilla Server 1.6.0-rc1 is now released with the following updates:

New features:

  • MSW: The installer now offers to preserve the existing service configuration of a previously installed FileZilla Server, which must have a version greater than or equal to 1.6.0.
  • UI: Main window position and size is now remembered across runs.
  • UI: Server configuration can now be exported to a file and imported to another server. You can select specific parts of the configuration to export or import.
  • UI: Double-clicking an item in the session list will bring up a dialog with security information about the session. The function can also be accessed via the context menu.
  • UI: file dialog now remembers last used folder

Bugfixes and minor changes:

  • UI: User’s group names are now sorted, with active groups higher in the list.
  • UI: Clearly show when session transfer stalls
  • UI: It is now possible to cut/copy/paste numbers in certain controls.
  • UI: Fixed various inconsistencies in interface states
  • UI: It is no longer possible to have admin listeners conflict with FTP server listeners. If there are pre-existing conflicts in the configuration file, the admin listener takes precedence, so it is still possible to change the configuration of FileZilla Server.
  • UI: Simultaneously open dialogs could cause instability in some corner cases. These dialogs are now queued and opened sequentially.
  • *nix: fixed dependencies in Debian installer
  • *nix: fixed installation directory for icons
  • Fixed a crash caused by a network error when updating a Let’s Encrypt certificate
  • MSW: Communication with simulated subprocesses no longer stalls or fails under heavy load
  • User-specific impersonation now works again

More details can be viewed:

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