According to the Emacs developer mailing list, the development of Emacs 29 has been basically completed, no new features will be added, and the future will mainly focus on fixing bugs.

Important changes in Emacs 29 include:

  • Eglot is now part of Emacs core

Emacs includes several LSP integrations, such as LSP Mode, Eglot, and lsp-bridge. Starting with Emacs 29, Eglot has become part of the Emacs core and no longer needs to be installed. Simply register an LSP server, and autocompletion, documentation, error detection, and other features are immediately available.

  • Parser generator tool Tree-Sitter becomes part of core

Tree-Sitter is used to parse programming languages ​​into concrete syntax trees. Based on it, not only syntax highlighting can be completed quickly, but also more in-depth analysis of the code can be performed, and requirements such as syntax operations can be realized, because the syntax tree itself can be used as an object that can be manipulated.

Tree-Sitter is now a native solution in Emacs. Emacs’ Tree-Sitter supports the following main modes:

  • bash-ts-mode
  • c-ts-mode
  • c++-ts-mode
  • csharp-ts-mode
  • css-ts-mode
  • java-ts-mode
  • js-ts-mode
  • json-ts-mode
  • python-ts-mode
  • typescript-ts-mode

If you can’t wait to test Tree-Sitter, there’s another package available for Emacs right now. Note that this is different from the package integrated into Emacs.

  • Use package.el to install packages directly from Git

Emacs’ built-in packaging system can now be usedpackage.elInstall packages directly from Git.This can be done using the new function package-vc-installand can usepackage-vc-updateorpackage-vc-update-allto update packages installed this way.

Emacs used to rely on Xorg in GUI mode, but with the growing popularity of Wayland, Emacs now supports Wayland natively. Note that Wayland is basically the only use case for pure GTK Emacs. If you’re not using Wayland, Emacs will display a warning message because it’s likely to cause problems if you’re running Xorg.

Emacs can now be built with native support for the SQLite and sqlite3 libraries, which allow users to explore and interact with SQLite databases within Emacs.

csharp-modeis now the native major mode of Emacs, and is based oncc-mode.

Click here to see more new features.

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