Message from Dedebiz:

On the afternoon of December 3, 2022, Mr. Lin Xue (IT Plato), the founder of DedeCMS, died of cancer.

Mr. Lin Xue was born on October 10, 1979. The DedeCMS written in August 2004 is still used by hundreds of thousands of companies and individual webmasters. Among the users, there are inevitably some Internet giants. Among them, bilibili started from scratch based on DedeCMS. Mr. Lin Xue has always been adhering to the concept of open source and free, and has changed China through technology, but he has never lived a decent life because of DedeCMS.

Here we cherish the memory of Mr. Lin Xue’s contribution to China’s open source, and his legacy will surely be passed on to create more value for the society.

#DedeCMS #founder #Lin #Xue #Plato #died #cancer #News Fast Delivery #Chinese #Open #Source #Technology #Exchange #Community

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