After nearly two years of development, the Xfce 4.18 desktop environment has been released. The new version has made many improvements to its Thunar file manager, contains various window manager/compositor enhancements, and a lot of UI beautification. Some details are as follows.



Added XfceFilenameInput, a widget for filename input.

Xfce Shortcut Editor

A graphical interface to modify component-specific shortcuts, currently only available in Thunar, Xfce4-terminal and Mousepad, but other components may follow.


DateTime and Clock plugins merged into one plugin.


Search entries for xfce4-settings-manager have been simplified. Now without any sliders or buttons, all entries are always displayed.


Specific settings can now be quickly found using the new search widget.

There are also updates for the file manager Thunar:

  • Updates for the file manager Thunar

Thunar is the default file manager for Xfce. In Xfce 4.18 it got a lot of new features and extended functionality.

For example, it is now possible toSidebar enable image preview. By default, a larger preview of the selected image is displayed on the left side of the sidebar. In addition, the option of “Independent Preview” is provided, and when enabled, the selected image will be previewed on the right panel by default. As shown below:

Additionally, Thunar’s new editable toolbar allows users toAdd and rearrange toolbar icons.

In addition to the above changes, the Folder Properties dialog has added a new Highlight option for selecting any custom color for the folder icon background and foreground. Ability to quickly navigate complex folder structures.

Other changes:

  • Introduced a new bookmark menu that can add the current folder as a shortcut to the sidebar
  • Added “Recent” option to the sidebar
  • Optimize the status bar information layout
  • The “Go” menu provides options for “Recent” and “Search”
  • The “Edit” menu provides options for “Undo” and “Redo”
  • Add option to restore tabs on startup
  • Add option to execute shell script

More new features can be found in the release blog, or check out the full Xfce 4.18 changelog.

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