Google currently offers four different versions of its Chrome browser, namely Stable (stable version), Beta (beta version), Dev (development version) and Canary (canary version).

The beta version allows developers to preview the features of the stable version of the Chrome browser within 4-6 weeks. Dev is a 9-12 week preview for developers. Canary is an early release experimental version of the Chrome browser and is recommended for advanced testing only. Instead, most people install the rigorously tested stable version. Versions of Chrome do not share installation locations or user profiles, so users can have these different versions of the Chrome browser installed on their devices at the same time.

Google recently announced that it will launch a new Chrome browser version based on these previous versions-Early Stable (early stable version), which will be launched before the main stable version is released.

The purpose of the newly created “Early Stable” releases is simple: to give Google more time to find major bugs and issues before the official stable release, potentially reducing the scope of problems should they arise.

We’re changing Chrome’s release schedule. Starting with Chrome 110, the initial stable release date will be moved up by a week. This early stable release will only be pushed to a small percentage of users, and most users will get it a week later, on the normal scheduled date, which will also be the date when the new version will be available from the Chrome download page.

By releasing a stable release to a small set of users, we have the opportunity to monitor the release before rolling it out to all users. If any blocking issue is found, it can be resolved with relatively little impact.

According to this new schedule, the beta version of Chrome 110 will be released next month on January 12th, while Early Stable will be released on February 1st, and the stable version of Chrome 110 will start rolling out to users at scale on February 7th. push.

Google did not disclose how many users will receive the push of the Early Stable version, nor did it disclose the proportion of this small number of users to the total users. Google also did not specify the prerequisites for getting the Early Stable version push.

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