In a flash, the child will go to junior high school. When the child was just born, I just wanted to record the journey of being a father. Unexpectedly, 10 years have passed.

During this period, the program has been refactored many times, but the only thing that remains unchanged is the recorded data and photos.

Due to the old program code, some new users have difficulties in setting up the environment and the program cannot be started, so the original code has been refactored.

The brand new BabyLog2.0 is released!

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New version features:

1. The logs and health data of multiple babies can be recorded, and each baby’s health data chart can be displayed separately.

2. More convenient picture upload function, up to 9 pictures can be uploaded at one time.

3. The authority management of the background is more perfect, relying on miniadmin, the authority management of rbac is realized.

4. The front and back ends can be separated, or they can not be separated, and you can choose according to your needs. One-key startup system is realized, which simplifies the configuration of the program.

5. When the system starts for the first time, it will create some data, which is convenient for users to use for the first time.

6. Optimized the data table structure of the database.

7. Fixed some historical bugs.

I sincerely hope that programmers who have children and plan to have children will maintain this program together. Some things really need to be written down, otherwise it will be a vague memory when looking back.

No matter how time flies, record every bit of it. The above record and 2022-12-29

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