Stack Overflow released its annual developer survey report for 2022. According to reports, more than 70,000 developers from more than 180 countries/regions participated in the survey.

The survey covered many aspects, such as the geographical distribution of developers, age distribution, racial/ethnic information, education level and mental health, as well as programming learning, favorite technology, workplace experience and so on.

Let’s take a look at the survey results related to the tools and technologies that most developers care about more.

most popular technology

Programming, scripting and markup languages

According to the survey results,JavaScript has been the most popular programming language for ten consecutive years. Python, TypeScript, and Java The popularity ranking has also maintained a front row position.


web framework

Other frameworks and libraries

Other tools

Integrated Development Environment

operating system

Most Loved vs. Most Resisted, and Most Wanted to Learn Technology

Programming, scripting and markup languages

▲Favorite vs. most resistant programming language

▲The programming language I most want to learn


web framework

Technologies used and expected to be used

Programming, scripting and markup languages


web framework

highest paying tech

Programming, scripting and markup languages


web framework

See the full survey report for details.

#Stack #Overflow #Developer #Survey #Report #News Fast Delivery

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