More than a decade after MariaDB 10.0.0 was released (November 12, 2012), MariaDB 11.0 Alpha is now officially available.MariaDB 11.0 will have a five-year maintenance period and is an evolution of MariaDB 10.11 with several brand new features.

We’re delighted that MariaDB Server has reached a new milestone. Most of the changes in this release are a direct result of you (our users) reporting performance issues to us in the form of bad query plans. Our community has been deeply involved in the development guidance of this release.

The flagship feature in MariaDB 11.0 isNew optimizer cost model, it will be able to more accurately predict the actual cost of each query execution plan. Some other changes include:


  • MDEV-22570 Implement wsrep_provider_options as a plugin
  • MDEV-29281 Add details about node eviction status in JSON file of Galera node status

Remove/deprecate old code

other changes

There are still many incompatibilities between 10.11 and 11.0, which will be listed and blogged in due course.

More details can be found in the official announcement.

#MariaDB #Alpha #Release #News Fast Delivery

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