Bytebase is a web-based, zero-configuration, no-dependency database schema change and version control management tool for developers and DBAs.

Bytebase 1.10.0 is released, the updates are as follows:

new function

  • Workspace owner and DBA can view audit logs
  • Support for creating/viewing roles for PostgreSQL libraries via Terraform provider
  • Support viewing and editing the primary key and foreign key of the table in the Schema editor
  • Support MySQL/TiDB SSL connection
  • When making data changes, the maximum support for uploading 100MB SQL
  • Support the use of online large table changes in UI workflow multi-tenant mode


  • Show “marked as done” tasks as skipped
  • Remove db naming grouping rules in multi-tenant projects
  • The search box supports searching for database names, project names, instance names, and environment names
  • Database list user experience improvement
  • The display speed of the work order details page has been improved

Bug fixes

  • Fix for Snowflake queries in the SQL editor

For more details, please check:

#Bytebase #v1100 #release #News Fast Delivery

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