redb is a simple,Portable, high-performance, ACID, embedded key-value storage.
redb is written in pure Rust and is supported by lmdb some stored inan mmap’ed,copy-on-write B-trees in the collection.For details, seedesign document.
use redb::{Database, Error, ReadableTable, TableDefinition}; const TABLE: TableDefinition<str, u64> = TableDefinition::new("my_data"); fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let db = unsafe { Database::create("my_db.redb")? }; let write_txn = db.begin_write()?; { let mut table = write_txn.open_table(TABLE)?; table.insert("my_key", &123)?; } write_txn.commit()?; let read_txn = db.begin_read()?; let table = read_txn.open_table(TABLE)?; assert_eq!(table.get("my_key")?.unwrap(), 123); Ok(()) }
redb is under active development.
- Zero-copy, thread-safe, based on
API - Fully ACID compliant transactions
- MVCC supports concurrent readers and writers, non-blocking
- default Crash-safe
- Savepoints and rollbacks
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