Scheme-langserver is a language server protocol implementation based on Chez Scheme and compatible with scheme r6rs. Its biggest feature is programming assistance based on unfinished code, including auto-completion, definition jump, etc. These features are based on static analysis of the r6rs standard scheme. It is released on Akku and github.

Scheme-langserver version 1.0.10 fixes many bugs in the previously abandoned version 1.0.9, and forms a deeper understanding of Language Server Protocol:

1. The LSP server cannot process the requests sent by the client directly in parallel like a general server: requests such as document change synchronization must be executed sequentially;

2. The granularity of index parallelization is better controlled at the document level, but not at the code level. Because of the bracket syntax of the scheme language, slight changes will greatly affect the shape of the AST, and then generate a lot of code difference comparison and identifier capture synchronization related code.

3. Due to the big difference in the implementation of the LSP client, it is necessary to develop the peephole optimization function in the next version to optimize the client’s request to a certain extent.

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