jsoup 1.15.3 is now released,Includes security fixes for potential XSS attacks, and other improvements including more descriptive validation error messages.jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data using the best HTML5 DOM methods and CSS selectors.

download link:https://jsoup.org/download

Specific updates include:



  • Cleaner preserves the source location of cleaned elements if source tracking was enabled in the original parsing.
  • fromValidateThe output error message is more descriptive. Exceptions are nowValidationExceptions(extendedIllegalArgumentException). The stack trace does not include the Validate class to make it easier to see the source of the exception. Common validation errors, including malformed URLs and empty selector results, have more explicit error messages.
  • Build Improvement: Added implementation version and related fields to jar manifest. #1809

bug fix

  • DataUtilA reading smaller than the requested size will be incorrectly read from the InputStream. This can lead to incorrect results when parsing from a chunked server response, for example. #1807

Details can be found in the official announcement.

#jsoup #released #Java #HTML #parser #News Fast Delivery

jsoup 1.15.3 released, Java HTML parser – News Fast Delivery

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