Tails (abbreviation for “The Amnesic Incognito Live System”) is a Linux distribution that pays great attention to “privacy” and “invisibility”. It is derived from Debian and is designed to help users use the Internet anonymously and maximize personal protection. privacy.

To achieve this, Tails uses the Tor network, which makes network traffic difficult to trace. Tails also comes pre-installed with a number of applications, including a web browser, IRC client, mail client, and instant messenger, all pre-configured with security in mind and anonymizing network traffic. So with Tails we can use the Internet “invisibly” without leaving any traces.

Tails 5.4 has been released, bringing some feature updates.

  • Hardening several aspects of the Linux kernel. (#18302, #18858 and #18886)

  • existinsecure browserDisable HTTPS-only mode in to make logging into Wi-Fi networks easier.

  • Update Tor Browser to 11.5.2.

  • Updated to tor

  • Updated Linux kernel to 5.10.136, improved support for newer hardware: graphics, Wi-Fi, etc., also fixed a critical bug (19081)

Read the changelog for more details.

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