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Parse SQL statements and convert them into a hierarchy of Java classes.The resulting hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern
and 可插拔
Is the core concept of M-SqlParser.
Through the flexible adaptation of database protocols, SQL dialects and database storage, quickly connect applications with multi-mode heterogeneous databases; -
to be improved; -
The project adopts a microkernel + three-layer pluggable model, so that the kernel, functional components and ecological docking can be fully pluggable and expandable in a flexible way, and developers can customize their own unique systems like building blocks.
Community and Support 💝🖤
GitHub Issues. Github Community | Suitable for design issues, bug reports or development related;
Gitee Issues. Gitee Community | Suitable for design issues, bug reports or development related;
Module description
|_ magnetic-parent #SQL解析引擎父模块-统一进行依赖模块版本管理以及外部依赖包管理
|_ magnetic-parent-sqlparser #SQL解析引sqlparser核心包声明
|_ magnetic-parent-third #第三方库,负责引入公共开源lib库版本定义、maven发布配置、环境配置等职责
|_ magnetic-sql-parse
|_ magnetic-sql-parser-api #SQL解析引擎注解、接口、工具类以及相关VO的定义
|_ magnetic-sql-parser-common #SQL解析引擎基础模块
|_ magnetic-sql-parser-spi #SQL解析引擎SPI拓展业务组
|_ magnetic-sql-parser-binder #SQL解析引擎元数据定义以及属性类型定义
|_ magnetic-sql-parser-statement #SQL解析引擎解析dal、ddl、tcl以及聚合函数、逻辑运算符、语法构建、语法提取等声明
|_ magnetic-sql-parser-engine #SQL解析引擎执行引擎
module dependency graph
Local Compilation Guide
1. Magnetic-parent build and install to private server or local warehouse
mvn install -s ~/.m2/settings-magnetic.xml -f pom.xml
Note: Build with local default or separate setting.xml
2. Add the magnetic-sql-parser-* series modules in turn to maven management only
update notes
Core function update notes
#MSqlParser #MSqlParser #parses #SQL #statements #converts #hierarchy #Java #classesThe #resulting #hierarchy #navigated #Visitor #Pattern