The social platforms commonly used by overseas users, such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, etc., have already realized end-to-end (E2E) encrypted communication. On the contrary, Twitter, another major social platform, has never used end-to-end encryption (Twitter uses standard encryption, using a key held by the service provider, which means that anyone with the necessary permissions can read the user’s Information), currently when users send private messages on Twitter for one-on-one communication, the userโ€™s chat content does not have sufficient security.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk recently responded to reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong’s comments with an emoji.Findsuggesting that Twitter’s encrypted DMs are currently in development and will use full end-to-end encryption.

Further research by Jane Manchun Wong found that Twitter has references to the Signal open source license in its iOS app. This seems to indicate that Twitter plans to use the same E2E encryption technology as the Signal application, which focuses on information security.

The encryption protocol is open source, which means that all developers can review the code to ensure that the protocol is sufficiently secure and reliable. As for when Twitter will implement this feature, the official has not yet given a specific timetable.

However, former Twitter developer Brandon Carpenter expressthis is the code he wrote in 2018, and he gave the commit history of deleting the end-to-end encryption prototype in Twitter for iOS at that time. The reason why this function was not implemented at that time was because the protocol was difficult to provide the same DM function.

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