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Bricks Builder is a WordPress theme and page, I think is genuinely great for both complete beginners and for those who are more experienced. But it can be as simple or as complex as you would like it to be. So in today’s video, I’m going to take you on a guided tour of the interface. I’ll talk a little bit about how it actually works, and what can actually be achieved with it.


00:00 – Intro
00:30 – Bricks Builder What Is It?
01:09 – Try It For Free
01:42 – How It Works
04:32 – Basic Structures
06:03 – Using Classes
08:21 – Flexbox & CSS Grid
10:00 – Advanced Custom Field

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35 thoughts on “The Best WordPress Page Builder?”

  1. I am using oxygen builder and loving it so far. Oxygen has all the bells and whistles of a modern page builder. How do you compare it with Bricks Builder?

  2. Nice, I've been wanting to find a good WordPress builder for my portfolio, and for possible future client work but didn't know where to start. I worked with a client who used Divi but I didn't care for it. I'm not great with Web Flow yet so I'll definitely check this one out.
    Thanks for the video.

  3. I have a small agency that focuses on development and design we love bricks because its like coding from scratch but much less work and you can add code! Currently making a CRM plugin for WordPress

  4. Breakdance is way ahead of Bricks in terms of options and functionality. There might be some things Bricks can do that Breakdance can't, but there are many features Bricks lacks.

  5. Hey! Coming here cause I'm sick of so many e-mails everyday 🥲 I already adjusted the settings to only receive e-mails related to the responsive layout figma file, but I still receive e-mails. I'll have to block the e-mails. By reading "flux" or "ran" I already have negative feelings hahah, but before the e-mails flood, I used to have good feelings about "flux academy". Anyways, I just wanted to let you know cause it affects negatively the users perception about you and your brand. Just wanted you to know that, in case you look to improve in this point. Feel free to delete this comment after reading it, no problem 🙂

  6. I thought you were going to tease until the very end 😂 nice work. Heavy bricks 🧱 user myself. Class-first workflow is easily the standard. Combine with ACSS framework 🤤

  7. Now that WP is transitioning to FSE, I think Cwicly makes a lot more sence.
    It is based on Gutenberg, so it's faster and it has some more advanced features like global class based styling.
    I think you should check it out!

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