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#Learn #WordPress. #taught #programmer

43 thoughts on “Why you DEFINITELY Should Learn WordPress.. as a self taught programmer”

  1. Clients know about WordPress, many have already used it and want to continue, and others know the name from hearing about it from colleagues. If you're doing business websites, you're going to have to pass on a lot of prospects if you don't do WP.

    The technical issues that many developers have with WP are valid, but they are not usually terribly relevant for most small business, brochure-type websites.

  2. As a self-taught Front-end developer, WordPress was a must do for me when I started out. Just got done with core frontend technologies courses last month with React being my main tool for developing component UIs.

    Just got started with WordPress this month to cement my web dev skillset and I'm happy with the progress I've made with WP development so far, particularly in customisation of themes and the plugins. I believe it will also be a high time for me to learn PHP for WP runtime and MySQL for database.

    Looking forward to building low-code projects with this fantastic software.

  3. Dissing Wordpreass in the fist place was a bozo move. I don't trust anything else you say yet. Hopefully this gives you a way out of the weeds. If you still think it is not for expert developers, you are still a moron who is clueless about its capabilities.

  4. I think it’s really important to learn WordPress. Like 30% of the internet is built off of WordPress? So as a *web developer*….. for something that builds over a quarter of the internet, don’t you think you should learn WordPress??? If you don’t thats fine more opportunity for me

  5. In a good way is okay to use WordPress but if you want to make some changes as you said, it's great if you learn how to code. So, in my opinion, I prefer to learn code first and then using another websites builder like WordPress, Joomla, Wix, etc. and the frameworks too. Companies now, they asking you if you know how to learn to use WordPress and also if you know how to code from 0 for they can hiring you. If you can programm by your own to make projects, it's okay. Hope you're doing well after you knee operation.

  6. If WordPress can make such amazing sites, why is there a need to learn programming? Will it kill coding in the long run?

    WordPress is not always the answer to any question. It’s true that it has 28% of websites, but it is not out of the box solution for every site. For example:

    What if you need to have a specific functionality, that it’s not built-in in WordPress and none plugin supports that?Or there is a plugin, which you need to modify some part of the code?

    You need to use programming languages like PHP and/or MySQL at Back-End and HTML, CSS and JS on Front-End.

    There is no plugin for every requirement, trust me. My clients had needs that I have never imagined. It’s cool because it needs from me to make something new, especially for them. It caused that these websites are unique and I could be proud of them.

    But it is true, that you don’t need to know how to coding if you know someone who knows that 🙂

    I hope it helps! ❤

  7. Hi Dorian!!!!!!! Hope you are well..

    Can you help me Please, how can i post any HTML code on the source code..I only know on the front page.

    Thank u

  8. Don’t use Word Press. Why? Because when you’re building your site and then when it’s finished, WordPress is screwing with your website schema in the background all the time. My site is 4 years old and there is constant wreckage of lost footnotes, broken links, fonts breaking, media lost and on. WP never takes responsibility to fix any of it. Then they do not support your template choice after a couple years. Do you want to build your site again?! Their support commonly does not solve problems. It’s just a crap platform.

  9. I have been avoiding WordPress as a self-taught developer for YEARS, partially because of the blurry lines in the dev market and partially because influencers said it was not valued by employers. I changed my tune (much like you it seems) over the last year and have decided to FULLY embrace it. I noticed that a lot of agencies and entry level positions actually prefer that you know WordPress because the time to value ratio for WordPress is actually really high. Knowing how to code actually gives us as developers and edge over "Wordpress Devs" that can't even write a line of CSS. Lastly, for anyone that's had to write or rewrite and authentication API…. need I say more? WordPress comes with authentication out-of-the-box and a highly extensible platform that allows you to build custom functionality for your clients or leverage pre-built plugins that other developers have spent years perfecting. It really is the best value out there for developers and non developers alike.

  10. Many thanks for this userful video. Its great 👑💓🕊!
    keep up your awesome work 🌟👑 plz do more such great videos – especially for the new version of WordPress – the 6.1 that is arriving next month!! Can't thank enough. ❤ 😊👍🏼

  11. hello dear Dorian – first of all many many greetings to you: Your channel is so awesome:
    Many thanks for this great video and your channel🔥🎉🙏👍❤ Awesome to see your video – it helps the worldwide community: Appreciate all the efforts you put in to make this awesome tutorial. – keep up your great work – i look forward to see more. btw: – would love to see more vids covering WP 6.1

  12. Dude, make up your mind. Two years ago you made a video saying NOT to use WordPress, and here you are saying exactly the opposite. Blocked lol

  13. WordPress is awesome, I was so blown away by how much good WordPress plugins are able to do
    It's highly opinionated, but the difference in starting up cost is staggering to say the least

  14. I'm a web developer for more than 20 years using pure native PHP coding. Most of my clients' web pages requires lots of algorithms for computations and conditions. Because of that, I have learned so many techniques in placing separate and independent php pages in a single php page and make it work like they are one whole php page. When I switch to WordPress, I got bored of the pre-made templates and the drag and drop routine. I missed the challenges that pure PHP coding gives. I really enjoyed watching smart web pages work as it was intended to work, made by me without using ready-made templates.

  15. I'm glad everyone hates on WordPress, it just leaves more jobs for me. I got my first dev job a year ago with WordPress making 60k, and now, 1 year later, I just landed a 90k WordPress job. So only 1 year into my dev career WordPress already has me at 90k with no degree at all, all self taught.

  16. I've been preaching this for years to new devs. WordPress can do MANY THINGS! Creating custom templates is a great way to build your own business as well.

  17. I have used WordPress when I hosted a blog and imorted all the contents from Blogger, although I have little knowledge about HTML but not other programming languages. Now I'm going to dive in into this as an alternative to make a pivot.

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