Jason Y

Firefox 104 released, new website power consumption analysis tool – News Fast Delivery

Easy-Es 1.0 is officially released!Top Elasticsearch ORM Frameworks The story goes that in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a group of heroes competed for each other, and a generation of heroes and young men brought together MPs to make the princes and heroes of the world gather together. Recently, they have added

Firefox 104 released, new website power consumption analysis tool – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Mabox Linux Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Manjaro-Based Rolling Distribution – News Fast Delivery

Mabox Linux is a lightweight Manjaro-based Linux desktop, rolling release, with the Openbox window manager. Lightweight and fast: Mabox uses Openbox WM and lightweight applications, requiring only about 300Mb of memory Latest Software: Quick access to the latest software packages available Stable: Mabox is built on the Manjaro stable branch, powered by the LTS kernel,

Mabox Linux Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Manjaro-Based Rolling Distribution – News Fast Delivery Read More »

What is an index signature in a programming language? – Personal page of chai2010 – News Fast Delivery

1. Background Recently, I have participated in the development of the KCL configuration language compiler, the built-in domain language of KusionStack. The grammar of the language includes a concept of “index signature”. When participating in community discussions, I found that many small partners do not understand what this “index signature” is. , so I thought

What is an index signature in a programming language? – Personal page of chai2010 – News Fast Delivery Read More »

FeatureProbe Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Feature Management Publishing Solutions – News Fast Delivery

FeatureProbe is an open source “feature” management service. It includes a series of management operations for “functional granularity” such as grayscale volume, AB experiment, real-time configuration change, etc. The “function” here includes any “function” involving code development, such as business functions, technological transformation, and operational activities. It allows developers, operators, and operation and maintenance personnel

FeatureProbe Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Feature Management Publishing Solutions – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Recommended by Gitee | Maple Mono, an open source rounded monospaced font suitable for programming

Maple Mono is an open source rounded monospaced font with only basic Latin (English numbers + symbols) and tabs. #Recommended #Gitee #Maple #Mono #open #source #rounded #monospaced #font #suitable #programming Recommended by Gitee | Maple Mono, an open source rounded monospaced font suitable for programming

Recommended by Gitee | Maple Mono, an open source rounded monospaced font suitable for programming Read More »

Lama Cleaner Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Open Source Image Repair Tool – News Fast Delivery

Lama Cleaner is an image repair tool based on SOTA deep learning model, fully supports local deployment, and supports CPU & GPU. characteristic Completely free and open source Support for self-hosted (self-hosted) Provides multiple SOTA AI models Supports CPU and GPU Provides multiple high-resolution image processing strategies Can run

Lama Cleaner Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Open Source Image Repair Tool – News Fast Delivery Read More »

smart-os Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Operating System Building Tutorial – News Fast Delivery

smart-os is a small linux system. This project demonstrates how to quickly create a small and full-featured linux operating system. The project address is https://github.com/superconvert/smart-os. Support for mounting multiple hard disks Support network function Support DNS domain name resolution GCC compiler support Support qemu startup Support docker startup Minimal mode 64 M Support driver related

smart-os Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Operating System Building Tutorial – News Fast Delivery Read More »

AcademiX Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Debian-based Linux distributions – News Fast Delivery

AcademiX GNU/Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution developed specifically for educational purposes. The distribution is built on the Debian Linux (Stretch / Buster) distribution and includes free software for education. The software included in this distribution is suitable for all educational levels – from elementary school to university. The AcademiX Linux distribution includes an installation

AcademiX Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Debian-based Linux distributions – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Expert Q&A Issue 291 – How to Transform Enterprise Applications from Monolithic to Microservice Architecture – News Fast Delivery

The 3rd Summer of Open Source is coming, and college students participate to win 10,000 yuan bonus! >>> The microservice architecture advocates dividing a single application into a set of small services, and the services coordinate and cooperate with each other to form distributed calls to provide users with final value. Therefore, whether it is

Expert Q&A Issue 291 – How to Transform Enterprise Applications from Monolithic to Microservice Architecture – News Fast Delivery Read More »

The mainstream CPU architecture is fully adapted, and the OpenCloudOS source community kernel adds RISC-V architecture support – News Fast Delivery

recently,OpenCloudOS community launch OpenCloudOS Kernel Stream (hereinafter referred to as OCKS) 2207.2 Kernel version, new version adds support for RISC-V 64 Architecture support. This also means,OCKSmainstreamCPUFull adaptation of the architecture. As a new generation of open source reduced instruction set (RISC) architecture, in recent yearsRISC-VIt has attracted much attention in the semiconductor field. Thanks to

The mainstream CPU architecture is fully adapted, and the OpenCloudOS source community kernel adds RISC-V architecture support – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Heavy release | Hande iPaaS global integration platform Jixingta version 1.5.0 is officially released-News Fast Delivery

On August 19, 2022, Hande integration platform Jixingta 1.5.0.RELEASE was officially released. Hande enterprise-level system integration platform (Chinese name Jixingta, English name JeeStar), is a one-stopMulti-system integration, multi-cloud integration, multi-terminal integration, multi-protocol integration, multi-device integration, data integration, page integrationglobal integration solution. The integration platform has accumulated many years of system integration experience in ToB project

Heavy release | Hande iPaaS global integration platform Jixingta version 1.5.0 is officially released-News Fast Delivery Read More »

Open source software used by multiple distributions has unlicensed dependencies

tea is Gitea’s CLI front-end command line program, which has been adopted by many Linux distributions such as Manjaro and Arch Linux. However, when the netizen Artemis Everfree packaged the tea program, he accidentally found that many of the program’s dependencies did not have a clear open source license. For example, after scanning tea’s dependencies

Open source software used by multiple distributions has unlicensed dependencies Read More »