
TypeScript Documentation Chinese Translation Homepage, Documentation and Download- Tutorials and Guides- News Fast Delivery

This project is a (Chinese version) translation of the TypeScript manual. TypeScript language for JavaScript development at scale TypeScript supports types, is a superset of JavaScript and can be compiled into pure JavaScript code TypeScript is compatible with all browsers, all hosting environments, and all operating systems TypeScript is open source #TypeScript #Documentation #Chinese #Translation […]

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IoTOS Homepage, Documentation and Download- IoTCard Management & Operation System- News Fast Delivery

IoTOS is an efficient and practical IoTCard management & operation system. IoTOS is currently named too broadly, and it is mainly used for IoT Card management business with efficient, robust, and flexible design of SaaS, multi-language, robot push, automatic management, and data synchronization multi-type algorithms as the main business. 1.1 Introduction IoTOS is

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baichuan-7B Homepage, Documentation and Download- Open source Chinese and English large model- News Fast Delivery

baichuan-7B is an open source large-scale pre-training model, based on the Transformer structure, a 7 billion parameter model trained on about 1.2 trillion tokens, supports Chinese and English bilingual, and the context window length is 4096. The overall model is based on the standard Transformer structure, using the same model design as LLaMA Location code:rotary-embeddingIt

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CloudFoundry UAA Server Homepage, Documentation and Download- User Authentication Server- News Fast Delivery

CloudFoundry User Account and Authentication (UAA) Server is a key component of the CloudFoundry platform, which provides user authentication and authorization services, and supports multiple identity providers and authentication protocols. UAA Server can be used to manage authentication and authorization of entities such as users, organizations, and service instances. It supports protocols such as OAuth2

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M3E Homepage, Documentation and Download – Open Source Chinese Embedding Model New SOTA – News Fast Delivery

M3E is the abbreviation of Moka Massive Mixed Embedding Moka, this model is trained by MokaAI, open source and evaluation, used by training script uniem to evaluate BenchMark using MTEB-en Massive, this model passestens of millions (2200w+) Chinese sentences are trained on the data set Mixed, this model supports bilingual homogeneous text

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NeuMan Homepage, Documentation and Download- Single Video Content Reconstruction Model- News Fast Delivery

NeuMan is a machine learning model developed by Apple that uses neural radiation fields to reconstruct background scenes and animated characters from a single video. environment Create an environment with Conda: conda env create -f environment.yml Alternatively, you can create the environment by executing: conda create -n neuman_env python=3.7 -y; conda activate neuman_env; conda install

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FaceLit Homepage, Documentation and Download- 3D Face Generation Framework- News Fast Delivery

The generative framework FaceLit is capable of generating 3D faces that can be rendered under various user-defined lighting conditions and views, fully learned from 2D images without any manual annotations. The model learns to generate the shape and material properties of the face to produce realistic facial images with multi-view 3D and lighting consistency when

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DataV Homepage, Documentation and Download – Vue Large Screen Data Display Component Library – News Fast Delivery

DataV is a Vue-based data visualization component library, mainly used to build large-screen (full-screen) data display pages—that is, data visualization, with various types of components available: frame: container with different borders decorate: Used to embellish the page effect and increase the visual effect chart: Chart component based onCharts(opens new window)Packaged, lightweight, easy

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DataV-React Homepage, Documentation and Download- React large-screen data display component library- News Fast Delivery

DataV-React is a React-based data visualization component library, mainly used to build large-screen (full-screen) data display pages—that is, data visualization, with various types of components available: frame: container with different borders decorate: Used to embellish the page effect and increase the visual effect chart: Chart component based on Charts Packaged, lightweight, easy

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DeepFilterNet Homepage, Documentation and Download- Speech Enhancement Framework- News Fast Delivery

DeepFilterNet is a full-band audio low-complexity speech enhancement framework. This framework supports Linux, macOS and Windows, and the structure of the framework is as follows: libDF Contains Rust code for data loading and augmentation DeepFilterNet Contains DeepFilterNet code training, evaluation and visualization, and pretrained model weights pyDF-data Contains a Python wrapper for libDF dataset functionality

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RocketMQ Dashboard Homepage, Documentation and Download- RocketMQ Management Terminal- News Fast Delivery

RocketMQ Dashboard provides excellent monitoring capabilities, various graphs and statistics of client and application events, performance and system information. Operation and maintenance page You can modify the address of namesrv used by this service You can modify whether this service uses VIPChannel (if your mq server version is less than 3.5.8, please set

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QtScrcpy Homepage, Documentation and Download- Android Real-time Screencasting Software- News Fast Delivery

QtScrcpy can connect Android devices via USB / network, and display and control them. No root access required. At the same time, it supports GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOS three mainstream desktop platforms. It focuses on: delicate (display device screen only) performance (30~60fps) quality (above 1920×1080) low latency (35~70ms) Quick Start (You can see the first

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Green Language Homepage, Documentation and Download- Chinese Programming Language- News Fast Delivery

Qinglang is a Chinese programming language aimed at teenagers, children and non-professionals. The project completely realized the construction of code text to syntax tree from scratch. The language core refers to Lisp, and the syntax mainly refers to JavaScript. It is implemented in C# and runs on the .Net platform. Qinglang is fully compatible with

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LunaTranslator Homepage, Documentation and Download- Galgame Translation Tool- News Fast Delivery

LunaTranslator is a Galgame translation tool that supports clipboard, OCR, HOOK, and more than 40 translation engines. function support text source   clipboard Support for getting text from the clipboard for translation   OCR In addition to the built-in OCR engine, it also supports Windows OCR, Baidu OCR, Youdao OCR, ocrspace, docsumo, Feishu OCR, etc.   HOOK Support

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